PlayStation Store on PS3 and PS Vita Will Continue Operations

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PlayStation Store on PS3 and PS Vita Will Continue Operations

Players will be able to continue to purchase games on PS3 and PS Vita.

Recently, we notified players that PlayStation Store for PS3 and PS Vita devices was planned to end this summer. 

Upon further reflection, however, it’s clear that we made the wrong decision here. So today I’m happy to say that we will be keeping the PlayStation Store operational for PS3 and PS Vita devices. PSP commerce functionality will retire on July 2, 2021 as planned. 

When we initially came to the decision to end purchasing support for PS3 and PS Vita, it was born out of a number of factors, including commerce support challenges for older devices and the ability for us to focus more of our resources on newer devices where a majority of our gamers are playing on. We see now that many of you are incredibly passionate about being able to continue purchasing classic games on PS3 and PS Vita for the foreseeable future, so I’m glad we were able to find a solution to continue operations.

I’m glad that we can keep this piece of our history alive for gamers to enjoy, while we continue to create cutting-edge new game worlds for PS4, PS5, and the next generation of VR.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us – we’re always listening and appreciate the support from our PlayStation community. 

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  • I get why, but without a way to get them all (or most) on Now or something, it was a bad choice.
    Maybe I will celebrate by hooking my PS3 back up, though.

  • As a very long time gamer, and general Sony fan, I was saddened to hear the recent news that (in particular) the PS3 and Vita stores would be closing.
    I still use my Vitas at least as much as my Switch, and still have a couple of PS3s hooked up.
    I’ve still got so many great games from both these systems to experience.
    I understand that developers won’t exactly be rushing to make games for them anymore, but especially the Vita still has such a vibrant, and vocal fan base, who I count myself part of.
    Super happy to hear this reversal of plans, and you managed to keep me as a Playstation customer !

    P.S. RIP PSP, but Long Live Vita :-)

  • Will PSP titles still be available to purchase on the PS3/vita store?

  • Thanks! But to complete my day, say that SONY will review the game prices!

  • Thank you guys so much.

  • You can start by fixing your C2-13242-2 error on Vita

  • Still so many games I want to purchase on these platforms. Understandably with the technical limits of the PS4/PS5, the library of PS3 games and digital purchases stay on my PS3 and PSVita. My PS3 that has been functionally loyal for 13 years (though the original controller has passed in 2020) I still play and stream my gameplay of the console on Twitch. If PS3 had the remote play like the PS4/PS5…oh boy, I’d have a significantly shorter backlog o games…This is wonderful news. I’d certainly like to see an increase in the support for the PSVita. I have been playing PlayStation for a very long time, I have fond memories of the games and time spent. I don’t want to lose that history, I still play the PSOne and PS2 games as well. You’ll see some pop up on my Twitch from time to time. I’d like to see PSOne and PS2 games come to PS5 (with Remote Play and Share support for screenshots and Twitch Streaming), I’d like to be able to play (at least) my PS3 digital downloads on PS5. I don’t expect my PS5 (not digital edition because physical copies are like trophies) to support the PS2/PSOne disks I have plenty of digital PSOne games that I can still play on my PS3 and PSVita. All that to say, thanks for not closing the PS3 and PS Vita stores.

  • It is incredibly difficult to accept that maintaining the PS3 Store requires a lot of resources, after so many years of experience and technological advancements. Good move, Sony, on sustaining the PS3 Store, after all.

    It’s baffling that PS1 & PS2 games cannot be emulated on PS4 & PS5.

  • Outstanding, now please release a PS3 patch to allow the use of DualSense and DualShock when booting on safe mode.

    Since you don’t produce DualShock 3 controllers anymore.

  • * DualShock 4

  • If the original decision was numbers based, is it possible those numbers would go up if two things happened:

    1. Create a more refined browser version of the PlayStation Store for PS3 and Vita.

    2. Include PS3 and Vita games in PlayStation Store sales.

    I have a feeling you’d see an uptick, personally.

  • Thanks so much for reversing your decision! It’s nice seeing that Sony will continue to support their legacy consoles, even if it is only to a small extent :)

  • Thanks.
    Now if only you could release a new way to play Vita games…

  • I’m so relieved. I was truly freaking out about this. Thank you!

  • Thank you Jim for listening to us. really appreciate it. I am even planned to buy a PlayStation 3 in a very first Model that have backward compatibility. Don’t let classic gamer down. As a customer glad to hear it. And surely I will keep supporting PlayStation products. You’re the man..

  • This was a big enough of a reason for me to ditch my PS4 Pro and get a Series X. Everyone makes mistakes, earlier this year Microsoft thought doubling the price of Xbox Live Gold was a good idea. And I’m glad that you reversed your decision. HOWEVER where is the effort to bring your past library to future consoles. I understand the PS3 is hard to emulate especially on the PS4 but what about the PS5? Why not make PS1 games purchased on PS3 compatible on PS4 and 5 and then PS2 games and PS3 games available for PS5?

  • Does that mean you’re going to restore the PS3 online store via web browser? I don’t want to hook up my PS3 games just to buy God of War Ascension.

  • Thank you Jim for listening to us. really appreciate it. I am even planned to buy a PlayStation 3 in a very first Model that have backward compatibility. Don’t let classic gamer down. As a customer glad to hear it. And surely I will keep supporting PlayStation products. You’re the man.. it would be great if you can make PS5 backboard compatibility since PS1

  • How about addressing the cmos battery issue that will make my ps3 and ps4 consoles obsolete when they don’t connect to the psn network after the battery dies.? If I had heard about this issue a month ago, I would have bought a Nintendo Switch instead of a ps4. No way am I buying a ps5 ever if a patch is not released, not that I can find one or afford one.
    Release a patch for error

    • They say those batteries last for 10 years

    • This is a serious issue and one of the reasons why there should be an effort from PlayStation to integrate their online services together so that we can still play our games that we paid our hard earned cash for. And yes, a patch CAN be done and it’s just the will of being more pro consumer that is lacking. Basically if it doesn’t grant Sony Entertainment any additional profit, they won’t do it! That attitude needs to change so that people continue to invest in their systems and services.

  • How about a sale or permanently dropping some of the prices on the PS3 store?

  • I own PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, PS5, and PS3. Guess which one I play the most? PS3!!! Reason? The games are easier to control and the library is just fantastic. Even the character animation in games made for PS3 is much more futuristic than some of the so-called AAA games I play these days. I don’t think PS3 is replaceable. Thank you so much for not killing it. :)

  • Hip Hip Hooray psvita & ps3,thank you .

  • Hip Hip hooray psvita & ps3, thank you.

  • It’s a start Mr Ryan/Sony,but the situation arose not just from diabolical communication,but a refusal to acknowledge or engage devs or users on the subject of legacy support.
    Sony quietly puts out emails to users & those few indies still supporting platforms like Vita found out at the same time. Rather than engage with devs or PS users or even engage in goodwill gestures like legacy sales,Sony bunkered down in silence & hoped the issue would go away.

    You’ve been on record publicly suggesting PS Users request b/c features but don’t actually use them. Yet you also readily admit Sony have only dabbled in such ventures,hence half hearted attempts like the woefully underutilised PS2 Classics on PS4,or one off releases like Pa-Rappa, Papaton etc..,with no real efforts for CRT shaders,frame rate options,rewind features of other better emulation out there.
    Whilst there’s limitations what can & can’t be emulated (XB aimed at specific titles), a dedicated effort to bring across some of the classic ps1,ps2,& ps3 era games onto the ps4 or ps5,(obviously a better candidate for select ps3 game emulation), would go a long way towards restoring some goodwill rather than rumoured remakes of remasters “TV,TV,TV” etc.

    Likewise instead of catchcries like “We love indies!”,how about tackling their concerns so instead of heavily curated psn sales with the same titles every other month, devs can make submissions like they do on other platforms?🤔 There are ps4 titles that haven’t gone on sale since 2017/2018 & others never having had a ps4 sale!

    You want people to upgrade to ps5 &/or invest in the playstation digital platforms Mr Ryan,give us a reason to & do better & engage with the audience.

  • Excellent news for the preservation of the classics that remain digitally alive. It only remains to leave one last effort to improve the performance of the Store on PS3 and Vita so that it is easier to find all the available games, and separated on each platform. Too bad that as they wanted to give it a shape more similar to that of PS4 it was losing performance and becoming clumsy with each step that one takes having to leave and start again. Hopefully they can fix that to give those stores one last life.

  • Thank you very much!
    Can u give us an another sale on PS3!
    Please! Please! Please!

  • This is great!^_^
    I just spent hours trying to figure out what psp memory card to upgrade to(by scrolling through my 300 long download list on psp) and just replaced my battery/did drift repairs. I wonder if a classic game is purchased on ps vita/ps3 if I’ll be able to access it from my psp download list. That seems in the realm of possibility.

    I have a few ideas to the backwards compatibility issues with ps4/5. The Playstation now service let’s you stream games to your system, but I’ve never wanted to pay for PS Plus and Now at the same time for very long. They don’t seem to have a lot of old Classics(PS1) on PS Now. So I was thinking that Playstation could give a bundle PS Plus/Now subscription bonus(maybe you have to pay a year in advance to get it) and maybe they could stream the PS1 Classic data/things not on PS Now but on the PSP/legacy download lists(if they want to monetize it, they could add it as a PS Plus feature.) What do you think? Any tweaks to this idea? Would this work with current PSr/PS5 chipsets? PS4/PS5 seems to be able to stream PS3 titles on Now just fine. Let me know what you guys think.

  • Please, organize another sale of sorts, I need that ME1-3 / Dragon age games. Full price hurts so much.

  • That’s great. Now, it would be optimal to bring back PS3/PSP/PS Vita games sales discounts. Some of the games on the store are too expensive! Case and point; Persona 3 & 5 Dancing Bundle in EU/ME PSN cost 80+$! Over 30 dollars added to it’s price on the US PSN. And that’s not mentioning other games like Persona 3 Portable (And Persona 2 Innocent Sin), the Atelier games, Dead or Alive, …etc.
    Let us buy the games more comfortably.

  • Too little, too late Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst. You want to regain customer trust the following needs to happen, move the headquarters back to Japan, stop with the censorship policies on Japan based media (anime, video games), actively prevent scalpers from purchasing the systems, and be sacked ASAP. Only then will customer trust be fully restored in Sony and their multiple divisions. If not, customers will continue to look elsewhere for their media needs.

  • Yes!!!! great, thank you Sony.

  • Y’all gotta somehow make those games backwards compatible on the PS4 and PS5. And no, not with the Playstation Now service. Unless you somehow implement that with Playstation Plus, now that is something to look forward to.

  • I would like to play my ps3 library on my ps5. Even if it only the digital version of the games. I know it can be done. I am willing to buy a emulator patch for ps5 , you sony wish to make one. Try your best to compete with the xbox series x full backwards capabilities.

  • Can it be? Sony finally realizing how much of a bonehead they’ve been?

  • Thank you as a long time gaming collectible games this is for the players I wish to bring these games over to the PS5 so I can continue collecting playing enjoying One Stop One shop one play

  • please add ps3 and vita sales for the very last time

  • bring back the digital store front with sales

  • This is brilliant news! I was devastated because even though I own a PS4 Pro and a PS5, there are some gold gems that only exist on PS3, and Vita gives you the opportunity to play some awesome games on the go. I don’t think these services should vanish, Sony needs to come up with a way to integrate these services somehow (even through workarounds) so they remain active for as long as the company exists. Obviously, this is not an easy task because of the way the infrastructure design of these services was carried out; however, for people like me who invested thousands of dollars over the years in these services and continue to invest in them to date, this is an expectation.

    If Valve through their Steam service and Microsoft through their Xbox Live service can do it, Sony’s PlayStation division also can do the same with PS Network. The key component here is the WILL to be more pro consumer, which needs to be part of the philosophy of the company, and not just an ad-hoc effort for whenever there is anger in the consumer market because of uneducated decision making. And honestly, with a lot of the recent stances PlayStation has been taking, I strongly believe that they have lost focus on their consumers and shifted their entire focus to their bottom line. If history and the realities of businesses today teach us anything, it’s that customer satisfaction and pro-consumerism is what drives loyalty and sustainability in financial performance, not the sole focus on the bottom line.

    Please find a PERMANENT solution so we won’t have to have this conversation again in the future.

  • This is brilliant news! I was devastated because even though I own a PS4 Pro and a PS5, there are some gold gems that only exist on PS3, and Vita gives you the opportunity to play some awesome games on the go. I don’t think these services should vanish, Sony needs to come up with a way to integrate these services somehow (even through workarounds) so they remain active for as long as the company exists. Obviously, this is not an easy task because of the way the infrastructure design of these services was carried out; however, for people like me who invested thousands of dollars over the years in these services and continue to invest in them to date, this is an expectation.

    If Valve through their Steam service and Microsoft through their Xbox Live service can do it, Sony’s PlayStation division also can do the same with PS Network. The key component here is the WILL to be more pro consumer, which needs to be part of the philosophy of the company, and not just an ad-hoc effort for whenever there is anger in the consumer market because of uneducated decision making. And honestly, with a lot of the recent stances PlayStation has been taking, I strongly believe that they have lost focus on their consumers and shifted their entire focus to their bottom line. If history and the realities of businesses today teach us anything, it’s that customer satisfaction and pro-consumerism is what drives loyalty and sustainability in financial performance, not the sole focus on the bottom line.

    Please find a PERMANENT solution so we won’t have to have this conversation again in the future.

  • “we’re always listening and appreciate the support from our PlayStation community. ”

    LOL – so we will have backwards compatibility now too? Hmmm, listening isn’t too good I see.

    Only reason for this is due to the media backlash. You can even tell in the post they still want people to focus forward and ignore anything that is older. I get it, they make more money with newer items especially with the ridiculous cost of new games now a days. I read the guy from Days Gone said people should pay full price for games if they want a sequel…..If your games are worth it then never allow them to go on sale (see Nintendo). I bought Days Gone on sale and never even played it yet.

    Oh well ,the world keeps turning and prices keep going up as older items get shuffled to landfills. Pay up or shut up is the motto now a days *sigh*

  • I’m disturbed about the news coming out of Sony’s camp regarding games. I’m a Sony fan because of the games. The fact that Sony is not willing to take any risks anymore on creativity is disappointing. The PS5 line up is horrid. I have a PS5 and I’m dissatisfied with the game line up. I play more PS4 games on my PS5. This has to be the worst PlayStation launch in history!

    I really do not like the direction Sony is going and I hope Jim does not destroy the core DNA that made Sony great!

  • I wanna see all the Resistance games to PS5 i don’t wanna buy a PS3 to play them again.

  • Oh, thank goodness. This is a huge relief.

    It’s sad the PSP store is still being shut down, though.

  • What about people who paid their subscription for a year? What will they get? It look like we get just a foot in the a$$ for being loyal. Wow.

  • Thank you.

  • Great news that the store is not closing. Now continue listening to us and actually give us some SALES on PS3 and VITA games. I am not going to pay £35 for a game on the Vita while that SAME GAME goes on sale regularly on PS4 for around £5-10.

  • Happiest day ever! Even if the TLOU servers have been shut down…

  • This is a good move for PR sake and the right decision in the grand scheme of things and some bad press Playstation was attracting recently for more often than not ridiculous reasons.

    I bet this storefront debacle is just a case of misalignment, with those back catalogs returning on emulation/stream/PsNow2.0 as a project that is too early to announce while the closure of shops planned and being made public too early.

    But simple people need simple answers and there you have it, cartoon villan Jimbo and pitchforks and slander from ignorant, clueless children.

    Full support for Jim and Herman and I couldn’t be more confident and excited for the future of this brand.

  • Hey This made my day thanks guys

  • So happy 😊

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