Before PlayStation 5 launches this holiday, we wanted to give you one more look at some of the great games coming to PS5 at launch (and beyond!).
Our next digital showcase will weigh in at around 40 minutes, and feature updates on the latest titles from Worldwide Studios and our world-class development partners.
Tune in live on Twitch or YouTube this Wednesday, September 16 at 1pm PDT / 9pm BST / 10pm CEST to see what’s next for PS5.
My wallet, mind, body, and spirit are ready!
Price and release date
Yes!!! can’t wait to tone in this Wednesday I hope I get an early pre order invite. Please Sony my birthday is in a few days this would mean the world to me if I get it. =)
Just in time I’m just getting some patience don’t worry 🙂
Release date will be November 10th, 2020. Pre-orders will be available November 9th, 2020 at 11:59PM PST. Two week shipping available only. However if you order the “We don’t like our fans” pre-order bundle you may qualify for one month shipping and it might arrive before Christmas.
I am pumped! Let’s go.
So excited and can’t wait to get my hands on a new PS5 if I’m lucky enough! Ratchet and Clank looks amazing
I’m looking forward too see the upcoming games and also information about the price and pre order date. Please Sony! 🙏🏾 It is not my birthday but I really want to put my hands in the PlayStation 5. Peace.
XSX – $499
PS5 – $449
PS5D – $399
XSS – $299
Would probably be ideal.
A full $100 less than the XSX would be a victory flag, of you’re into console wars.
XSS isn’t anything interesting to me. I don’t plan on doing anymore 1080p gaming. It’s the same CPU but completely lacking in the GPU department. It’s really just a XBOne Series X Pro that supports next gen titles at this point. Not worth dropping the cash to get one if one gets gamepass.
That said. I hope Microsoft does well. More competition is always better for the consumers.
If sony can pull off those prices, that would be a big win
Why won’t you make the ps5 compatible with at least ps3 ps4 compatible???
Pls give me the date realise of factions part2 plsssssss
Is nobody going to talk about that all-black PS5 there?
It’s not black, it’s just a low light render.
just let me buy mine already 😩
Awesome! Can’t wait!
Oh yeah bring the expected news everybody wants please!
Omg! I can’t wait, I’m ready.
We needed this news! Please bring out the pre-orders date. Can’t wait to see the future of gaming live in my house.
#teamplaystation #sony #PS5
How much will the PS5 be? Are looking forward to making it cheap or expensive?
Price and release date?
Also wishing for: Xenogears remaster. Colony Wars remake announced.
Release date and price.
Stalling has no limits.
Hoping you do more than just showcase games. You need to show us all the hud and what other things the system can do.
I hate to say it but right now Microsoft has a bit of an upper hand on you. Payment plans along with special deals with their services…
I want to see Sony K.O Microsoft right out of the gate like they did the last time.
I’ll be waiting with my money to buy multiple PS5’s for myself and my kids. Don’t let me down!
I just want to know when the PS5 will be released and where I can go to pre-order
What day and time will it be for us in Indonesia?
I’m super excited for PS5 😆
Not a single day since the first showcase in June that I don’t browse for the latest updates on PS5
Excited to finely know price and release date :D
What about hardware and price?
Are we going get price reveal at this event? There’s only 2 months till holidays be nice to know so can plan finances.
It’s about time!
At least now Sony aren’t overselling their events… The only hardware-related info in this statement is the picture and the mention of “‘PS5’ games”.
Let’s hope for a price and date at long last. Hopefully UI as well. Xbox is way ahead when it comes to details.
You guys better reveal the price because my mom thinks it’s gonna be $800
They will match price or be cheaper than there competitor I hope
Just tell me when you’re taking my money… And I will freely give it.
I can’t wait!!!!! Super excited
FINALLY!!! Well hopefully anyways, LOL. Yes we should get the price, release date, preorder info, etc. Everyone freaking out about wanting to see the UI is ridiculous, I’d rather see it the first time turning on the console. Get hit & be amazed with everything all at once instead of going in already knowing what it’s gonna look like and kinda ruining the experience of the first time turning it on setting it up. Am I the only one, I can’t be?
You’re definitely not the only one, I don’t mind a glimpse, but I don’t want it all shown.
Really not even interested anymore. Totally thought you learned from your mistakes but you just keep repeating them Sony. Nothing great at launch and nobody knows who is getting a pre-order or when it’s coming out or how much it will be. Totally embarrassing
All I want to know is the price!!!
Sony getting ready to erase ek bock from existence.
Here we go!!!!!
My wallet is so ready for the PS5.
I’m super excited for this event! I’m thinking Sony can make some big moves on pricing, digital PS5 at $349 and physical PS5 at $449.
Plus, let’s hope we hear something of a Legend of Dragoon Remake within the next year! Make it happen!
Drop the pre order link I’m ready !
Great games,WHAT, I hope we hear a release date and price
I’m so pumped up ready to get my hands on this thing
Thank’s Sony at last some news on the PlayStation 5 maybe a price and pre-order date look forward to seeing some hot games, keep it real, Future Gaming With Oliver A Staley at YouTube.com🌜🌜🌜🌜
Looking forward to seeing what you got to say! Hopefully some more info on VR 2.0 any maybe some other surprises? 😃
While I appreciate more info on games, can we get the MOST IMPORTANT info during this? U know, price, release date, when pre orders go live… Otherwise this preseason would not only be a waste of time but it would be a MAJOR slap in the face to the PlayStation community who’ve been rather patient and begging for this info
I’d just like to point out the huge fail, that as a company that is in the unique position of being both a console and television manufacturer, you’re actually lagging behind on the competition and don’t offer a flagship OLED with 2.1 HDMI and low input lag. My high-end 52×3500 recently died and I’ve suffered one of the most infuriatingly indecisive periods of my life, wanting to stick with a Sony. Finally settled on the XH90 due to 2.1 and low input lag, but now I’m really bummed not to get the best picture quality…
As long as it doesn’t sound like a jet engine I’ll be happy.
Hopefully news on whether you can archive games to external HDD.