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Nice!!!day one buy But I’m holding out for ghost of Tsushima & the last of us two for the PS5 when will they be coming to the ps5 because I want my first experience with them to be the absolute best

Looks just like the same original design. Just a switch of number ps4 to ps5 and from a fade of blue to white. I dont really see much difference… even the box is the same blue. In other way I like the title design.

With PS5 being white, cases should be white otherwise the buyer will get confused thinking it’s for PS4

Can anyone tell me how to preorder the ps5 please

not digging it. the box art itself looks great. the box shouldnt be blue though. i think a translucent smoky grey or translucent black would fit it far more than the blue.

Case needs to be black (see through). The blue doesn’t fit the PS5 colours.

I do enjoy the idea that PS5 Spider-Man : Miles Morales will offer a 4k/60fps mode. I am quite eager to know if other modes are supported. I have a 1080p display that outputs 120hz that I normally use for PC games. I had a PS4, but never updated to PS4 PRO. I’m not really wishing to depart from my prior display setup since it is HDMI 2.0. I have questions because the marketing on PS5 has not stated any benefits of adopting PS5 if using 1080p displays. I do believe Xbox One offers ability to use other displays. If there is no mention of 1080p and 60fps as a base and new features such as Ray Tracing allowed on those displays it will drastically hurt sales. I might be the only person concerned, but my take is why upgrade to PS5 if 1080p is not fully supported and explained. I can stay on my PC and tweak graphic options or if XBOX Series X allows full graphic fidelity on 1080p displays as a better upgrade option. Please Sony get behind this as most of the 1st party games shown during your presentation was 1080p at 30fps.

Like it. Will look good on my shelf next to the ps3 and 4 games.

Can’t wait to play it😎✅🎮

intresting thing but what about special edition

Looks great! I do, however, think a clear case would go better with the white banner.
not a noticable difference in my opinion
And as my PS library grows, so does the color changes from over the past years.
2 thumbs up😷👍👍
I think it will be just as good as the latest spiderman
how the box art of cross-gen games will look?? because all of them are playable on nextgen.
how the box art of cross-gen games will look?? because a lot of them have enhanced PS5 versions.
Looks awesome
good ……. all buy ps5 games —
Looks dope.
It looks like the generic black and white goods in the grocery store in the 80’s. Good thing we don’t play the box.
Please more mmorpgrs
Please Sony more mmorpgrs
I can’t wait! Although I want a black PS5
I want a CP2077 Bundle!
Looks pretty nice! Would have looked nicer if the case was black instead of blue to go with the white just like the console!
So, except for the gradient it’s a negative of the PS3? I don’t know. Seems a bit simplistic. Almost minimalist. You could argue that it makes it elegant but the font’s too modern for that. Maybe adding the O, X, triangle and square on on the background but in a grey that is almost unnoticeable.
A little generic aren’t we?
Im with you all the concept is generic. “Works” but looks simplistic. I like the art design but looks poor for a new generation ps5 console release. Needs more projection.