In collaboration with security platform HackerOne.
At PlayStation, we are committed to providing gamers all over the world with great experiences. I’m happy to announce today that we have started a public PlayStation Bug Bounty program because the security of our products is a fundamental part of creating amazing experiences for our community.
We believe that through working with the security research community we can deliver a safer place to play. We have partnered with HackerOne to help run this program, and we are inviting the security research community, gamers, and anyone else to test the security of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Network. Our bug bounty program has rewards for various issues, including critical issues on PS4. Critical vulnerabilities for PS4 have bounties starting at $50,000.
To date, we have been running our bug bounty program privately with some researchers. We recognize the valuable role that the research community plays in enhancing security, so we’re excited to announce our program for the broader community.
We have carefully considered what issues will be in scope at this time. You can find more information about the exact details of the program at our HackerOne page.
تشغيل أقراص Ps4 أيضا على ps5
backwards compatibility ps1 ps2 ps3 Ps4 and ps5
اريد شاشة البداية للps1 ps2 ps3 Ps4 على الps5 محاكيات كاملة على الps5
يجعله افضل جهاز ps5
Videoland is a bug in playstation the app sucks only on the playstation platform
Самый огромный баг это то что я не могу себе позволить купить вашу хваленую ps4 изза космо цены , жопы в стране и банальной нехватки денег. Приходится довольствоваться богом забытой производителем PS3 . На которой все пройдено до дыр. И более ничего не выпускается.Исправте этот баг и я вам буду очень благодарен.
Самый огромный баг это то что я не могу себе позволить купить вашу хваленую ps4 изза космо цены , жопы в стране и банальной нехватки денег. Приходится довольствоваться богом забытой производителем PS3 . На которой все пройдено до дыр. И более ничего не выпускается.Исправте этот баг и я вам буду очень благодарен..
Самый огромный баг это то что я не могу себе позволить купить вашу хваленую ps4
Si os interesa hay un bug de la ps4 que lo que hace es que te desaparezcan gran parte de los juegos de la biblioteca a mi en concreto me desaparecieron 80 juegos y tuve que reiniciar la consola y restaurar las licencias para que me volviesen a aparecer me gustaria que lo arreglasen porque , y si la proxima vez pierdo los juegos? Serian 1000€ perdidos y no me haria gracia . GRACIAS
poner ps plus gratis te haces una cuenta pones la tarjeta en los 14 dias gratis en ps store y lo desactivas para que no te cobre y listo o con ps note te haces una cuenta de canada ps note y ya esta
Sony can you please fix the problem with your 7.51 software update I’ve tried everything even erasing all my data and starting from new still no success error code su-42118-6 it has to be a problem with your software update. I have tried to call many times no answer. I have always been a big fan of Sony i have had every Sony system ever made please don’t tarnish your reputation with me please fix I can’t download last of us 2 because of the software error su-42118-6
hay un bug que la tarjeta tiene que ser de credito y de debito no te deja comprar nada sin la de credito
I’m always here to help.
Is there anyway the PlayStation will release a ps4 graphic update before nextgen consol release
Olá, queria reportar um bit que acontece em meu PS4. O bug é gerado após apresentar cenas em jogos ou aplicativos, começa a gravar e parar de gravar a tela do console. Eu realmente não sei ao certo se isso é um bug ou apenas um mal entendido meu, mas mesmo assim eu adoraria que me pudesse me responder quanto a isso.
Olá, queria reportar um bug que acontece em meu PS4. O bug é gerado após apresentar cenas em jogos ou aplicativos, começa a gravar e parar de gravar a tela do console. Eu realmente não sei ao certo se isso é um bug ou apenas um mal entendido meu, mas mesmo assim eu adoraria que me pudesse me responder quanto a isso.
A mí me a ocurrido un bug que puedo escuchar a mí compañero en los grupos de Playstation pero el a mí no me escucha
Xim, Strike Pack.
Dear Sony
I think the bug bounty problem is a hardware problem
I’ll explain
Last the gaming phase
The console makes me close automatically the game does it with a hard disk or digitally always giving me errors of loading or starting
Best regards
Dear Sony
I think the bug bounty problem is a hardware problem
I’ll explain
Last the gaming phase
The console makes me close automatically the game does it with a hard disk or digitally always giving me errors of loading or starting
Best regards.
When making a live video it gets slow and sometimes I think it records but also not certain problems in minecraft comes out only it stops even stops the game or sometimes turns off the console when reheating hopes does not pass that in the new generation also the stor when you are playing and you enter it freezes the console even resort to turn off to turn off to turn off to turn off to turn off to turn off the
Fix the store theme is stopped too much even turns off the console when you do it and you’re playing when you’re playing at the time of lending me account my friends couldn’t have my games not going out in the library until I told a friend I had my account I managed to fix it
When it comes to leaving the console at rest and downloading a game sometimes you don’t download it you think it’s loading when you turn it on just where you were going the bugs of entering the browser stops a lot the console even freezes the screen
Wenn man seine online ID ändern will Und es zu oft eingibt weil der Name schon vergeben ist muss man die ps4 neu starten damit es wieder geht das könnte man vielleicht ändern
I would love to help, because after the new update my PS4 pro starting going slower and fan running like its and turbine.
Yo tengo un bug:Cundo pongo uno de mis juegos en la PlayStation de mi primo no anda y dice que el disco esta dañado, ese dia al volver de su casa probe el disco y estaba bien… Y tengo otro:Un dia estaba poniendo uno de mis juegos y me equivoque y puse otro, luego intente quitarlo y no me dejaba entonces, cuando intente jugarlo me decia que no incerte ningun juego. no lo puse alreves ni estaba dañado porque era nuevo
How do I claim a Bounty? I found a Major Bug On Playstation.