Highlighting some gorgeous green shares.
Last week, we asked you to take a gander at games glowing with the color green. From verdant landscapes to ghastly gas, you shared your greenest moments using #PS4share and #PSBlog. Here are this week’s green highlights:

Aaronymuss shares this glowing green beauty from Trials of Mana.

Cal strikes with his green lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in this share by assassindmf.

Jay_Kyuubi shared this moody green share from Nier Automata.

A flash of green cuts through the sky in this Call of Duty Modern Warfare share by Michael_Jambor.

Sefwick shares an overgrown landscape from Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

Lara Croft swims through murky green waters in this Shadow of the Tomb Raider share by VirtualHeda.
Search #PS4share and #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme. Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

Theme: In Bloom
Share by: 9am Pacific on Wednesday, May 6
Next week we’re stopping to smell the flowers. Share beautiful blooms from the game of your choice using #PS4share and #PSBlog for a chance to be featured
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