The massive new expansion to Square Enix's acclaimed MMO takes the Players' Choice crown for July 2019.
Darkness prevails in the Players’ Choice poll for July 2019. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers has been voted as last month’s best new game by PS Blog readers, followed closely by Dragon Quest Builders 2 (congrats twice, Square Enix!) and Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
If you’ve ever been on the fence about checking out FFXIV, I can personally attest to its quality — but bear in mind that it’s an MMO, so it’s a commitment!
, which will let you dive in to the base game and play up to level 30. That won’t get you into Shadowbringers, but it’ll give you a taste of the broader experience and help you decide whether it’s something you want to stick with.So then… August. As we draw ever-nearer to the end of 2019 and its deluge of new games — what do you think will top this month’s charts?
It’s summer! Take a break from that bright, hot ball in the sky and treat yourself to some video games. You’re worth it.
July saw a few fun surprises like Wargroove, Sea of Solitude, and Songbird Symphony, as well as bigger hits like Dragon Quest Builders 2, FFXIV Shadowbringers, and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. But, as always, only one can wear the coveted Players’ Choice crown.
Take a moment to consider your options, choose your favorite new game, and click the appropriate button below to cast your vote. We’ll shut down the polls next Thursday, August 8, at 11:59pm, then reveal the winners a few days later. Go!
What is the voting criteria? That’s up to you! If you were only able to recommend one new release to a friend that month, which would it be? In keeping with our long tradition in the Game of the Year Awards, remastered or re-released games won’t qualify. Ambitious, larger-scale rebuilds and remakes like Shadow of the Colossus and Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will.
How are nominees decided? The PlayStation.Blog and PlayStation Store editorial teams will gather a list of that month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll. Write-in votes will be accepted.
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