New Game+, online leaderboards and fresh challenges hit London Studio’s PS VR blockbuster.
The latest DLC update for Blood & Truth is available starting tomorrow, adding new challenges and leaderboards! Time to fire up your PS VR, and take your action hero skills to another level. Here are five reasons to jump straight back into the action!
1) New Game +
We have added the New Game + feature to allow you to play the entire story of Blood and Truth again, but this time with all your unlocked Weapons, Mods and Skins available!
Not only does this mean you can hunt for those last elusive collectables and marksmen targets you need to unlock even more guns, but you can also take the mini-gun into the towerblock, or your pink camo assault rifle into the casino! Poor Keach won’t know what’s hit him.
2) Online leaderboards
The Missions and Challenges in Blood & Truth all come with a score, which is based on how many enemies you hit, your accuracy and the time you complete the level in. We have now added online leaderboards, so you can compare your best score on any mission or challenge to players from all over the world.
We’ve also included separate scoreboards for your PlayStation Network friends, which allow you to filter the results by ‘all time’ or scores from just this week.
3) Challenges
It seems you all enjoyed our first set of challenges, so we have included a few more in this DLC for you to test your skills in!
Challenge #6
- Gun: Pump action shotgun
- Location: Hanger Underground Storage
- Focus of challenge: Perfecting your pumping action
- Pro Tip for a high score: Don’t forget the transitional Targets
Challenge #7
- Guns: Dual SMGs
- Location: Desert mission
- Focus of challenge: Fast paced targets and automatic gun fire
- Pro Tip for a high score: Use both SMG’s or you will miss Targets (tap into your inner Gun-Fu master!)
Challenge #8
- Guns: Dual sawn-off shotguns
- Location: Work site
- Focus of challenge: Fire Discipline
- Pro Tip for a high score: Make every shot count
Challenge #9
- Gun: 9mm pistol
- Location: Underground Lair (HQ Underground)
- Focus of challenge: Speed and accuracy
- Pro Tip for a high score: Watch out for the civilians!
Challenge #10
- Guns: Assault rifle
- Location: Penthouse Lobby
- Focus of challenge: Mixing up target distances
- Pro Tip for a high score: Keep your eyes and your ears open, targets come from everywhere
4) Collectibles
Don’t forget to unlock those trophies! We’ve hidden a bunch of collectibles around the world of Blood & Truth, including a bunch that reference our previous work on PlayStation VR Worlds. How many of the below have you found?
- Mickey’s Blowtorch
- Dangerball
- Frank’s Cigar
- Luge
- Scavenger’s Odyssey
- Serena (Diamond)
- Ocean Descent
You’re also rewarded for hunting down all the toys, so make sure you’ve found:
- Compass
- Diamond
- Knife
- Gnome. (pro tip: there are actually two Garden Gnomes in the game. One is in the art gallery, and the other is in the safe house. This is the one you need. Don’t forget to pull the level on the slot machine twice… )
- Whistle
- Fireworks!
- Teddy bear
- Paper Aeroplane
- Green Army Toy
- Toy Car (Pro tip: Remember to check all the vases inside the kitchen…)
5) Alternative routes through missions
Our missions have alternative routes, which you can take with each path offering more enemies (which mean higher points for the leader boards), access to different guns with advanced mods, grenades or exploding targets.
For example, in the tower block level you can get your hands on a powerful semi-automatic rifle by using the ladder to get to higher ground. For the fans that are all about accuracy, heads up — there is a laser-sighted revolver if you stick to the left in the underground section of the hanger.
In the HQ mission, you can also switch off the lights in the underground tunnels and shoot from the shadows without being seen. Sneaky!
We have more free DLC lined up for Blood & Truth in the coming months, including additional challenges! Check back for more news soon.
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