Creatures and critters from our favorite games take the spotlight.
Last week, we asked you to keep your eyes out for creatures and critters big and small from your favorite games and share them with us using #PS4share and #PSBlog. After sorting through everything from loyal puppers to feral foes, here are this week’s highlights:

Senu lands on Bayek’s arm in this Assassin’s Creed Origins share by @iRooby1.
This lizard fellow can be found wandering in God of War, as shared by @andpodepah.
@fish_face15 shared this little fox scurrying through the world of Horizon Zero Dawn.
A jaguar is ready to lunge on Lara Croft in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, as shared by the aptly named @richardcroft17.
@possibletemplar shares a beautiful portrait of an elephant from Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
V’s familiar Shadow is ready to strike in this Devil May Cry 5 share by @Sefwick.
Search #PS4Share and #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme. Want to be featured in next week’s Share of the Week?

Theme: Days Gone
Share by: 9am Pacific on Wednesday, May 1
Next week, we head to the Farewell Wilderness in Days Gone. While fending off freakers as Deacon St. John, share how the world comes for you with #PS4share and #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.
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