Pick one of 15 characters and strap in for a jetpack-fueled outer space deathmatch.
We’re delighted to announce that the Open Beta for Space Junkies launches tomorrow, March 21 with cross-platform support so PlayStation VR players can challenge or team up with players on other VR platforms.
Prepare to enter deadly orbital arenas and fight against other players in a variety of modes (Duel, Free-for-All, Team Death Match and King Mode). Powerful weapons like Nuclear Slingshots and Plasma Sniper Rifles are dispatched around the arena for you to pick up and use as you like!
With a selection of 15 different characters and six pieces of equipment to choose from, fine-tune a load out that fits your playstyle and that will lead you to victory! Feel like rushing and fighting up close? Pick Bugout, the fastest character in the game, and equip the solar sword to finish your enemies up close. Want to feel like an unstoppable tank? Pick Junker, the most robust character of all, and equip the photon shield to absorb enemy fire and bulldoze your way through their ranks!
This Open Beta is free to play for any player looking for fast gun-slinging action in outer space, so invite your friends and get ready for a jet-pack fueled battle!
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