Define who you are, both as a player and a teammate, as you chase the big league dream.
Road To The Show is a game mode where you create yourself (or your alter ego). The goal is simple: get drafted, make it to The Show, and eventually to the Hall Of Fame. For MLB The Show 19, we’ve added some new features and tweaked others to offer the best version of the mode ever.
First order of business: there are no attribute caps in MLB The Show 19. That’s right — if you want to be a baseball god, it’s now possible… but it won’t be easy. Archetypes have been retooled, and the choices represent how your player approaches the game. Each archetype determines how quickly you progress in certain attributes.
Let’s take a look at some of the other new features in Road To The Show!
Personality Growth and Relationships
Your play on the field won’t be the only thing that determines how good of a player you’ll be. New in MLB The Show this year: Personality Growth and Relationships. These help establish your player’s locker room personality based on how you interact with others. Are you are a Maverick, Lighting Rod, Captain, or the Heart and Soul of the team? As you level up in each personality tree and relationship, you’ll unlock perks, and boost them as well. All of the perks align to your role on the team dynamic.
In-game Challenges
When you’re issued a challenge, whether it’s on the field or during training, you’ll be looking to get better and push yourself. The new Challenge structure in RTTS could be anything: a number of games, or just a single, crucial at-bat. You control how high you set the bar, and as a result, how you much you stand to gain by succeeding. You only stand to gain by completing the Challenges – and if you fail, no worries. You won’t be punished.
Playable Training
In MLB The Show 19, you’ll have playable training sessions that allow you to play interactive mini-games that directly affect your gains in the gym.
Be sure to check out Thursday’s Twitch live stream for more information on these and other improvements to Road To The Show.
This is an especially exciting year for us here at PlayStation. We’re thrilled to welcome a new class of Legends to the team, including some all-time greats, and even more excited to show you what else we have in store in MLB The Show 19! In the meantime, please make sure to watch The Show Nation, our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts between now and March 26 for the latest updates.
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