Here's your first look at what's in store for Monster Hunter World. Plus, a peek at a bewitching new collaboration event on the horizon.
Monster Hunter: World marked the start of a new age for the Monster Hunter series on PlayStation 4, and we’re now gearing up to grow that experience even more with Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, a massive expansion coming autumn 2019.
Here’s a little teaser trailer summarizing what you can expect from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
That was just a teaser video, but if you pay close attention, there’s quite a bit that you can extract from it. Old school Monster Hunter fans will even recognize some audio and visual cues at the end. Let me know what you think!
Just to recap, we’re bringing you a brand new environment, new monsters, new equipment to forge, a new quest difficulty rank, and much more! We’ll have more details on this expansion in spring 2019, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, we’ve also announced plenty of new free content updates coming to the base game Monster Hunter: World. Everyone is still celebrating the Winter Star Fest, and as the event comes to a close in a couple of days, the Research Commission will allow hunters to take on a revamped Kulve Taroth Siege with an Arch-Tempered form of that Elder Dragon and new rewards!
And as we look to 2019, we’ll start the year off with the Appreciation Fest to celebrate one year of Monster Hunter: World, followed by two more exciting updates: Arch-Tempered Nergigante and a special collaboration with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt! Check out the collaboration trailer here:
We also know some of you may have not joined the hunt yet, so we’d like to invite you to get your hands on Monster Hunter: World for free with our Trial Version. This free trial will be available from December 11th at 4pm PST until December 17th at 3:59pm PST and lets you really see what Monster Hunter is all about.
You’ll be able to take on the first handful of story quest assignments as well as optional quests, hunt a variety of fearsome monsters, forge weapons and armor, and explore the New World. Also, if you have PlayStation Plus, you’ll be able to hunt with up to three other players; these can be Trial Version players or folks that own the full game. And the best part: all progress you make in the Trial Version will carry over to the full game once you make the jump, which by the way, is discounted at 50% off for a limited time!
So to all Monster Hunter fans, and newcomers, out there: thank you for joining us and making this an awesome community to be a part of! Enjoy the last few days of 2018, and we’ll see you in 2019 with a lot more monster hunting goodness! Happy hunting!
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