Quantic Dream's ambitious branching story voted May's best new game by PlayStation.Blog readers
Congratulations, Quantic Dream! Their newest — and easily biggest, most ambitious — foray into interactive storytelling swept away the competition in May’s Players’ Choice poll. PixelJunk Monsters 2 and Wizard of Legend took the number 2 and 3 spots, respectively, but Detroit’s victory was a decisive one.
Have you played Detroit: Become Human yet? Without spoiling anything, who was your favorite character, either playable or not?
As always, thank you for casting your vote in May’s poll. Let us know how you think June will shake out!
What a month! Not only did we finally get our hands on Quantic Dream’s insanely ambitious Detroit: Become Human, but unique new experiences like Moonlighter, Laser League and Gorogoa have made bold debuts on PS4 over the past few weeks. We also finally got a sequel to PS3’s beloved PixelJunk Monsters, and 8-bit tribute Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon set the stage for Koji Igarashi’s upcoming Ritual of the Night.
Of course, only one game can be called the best, but far be it from us to make that call. The power to decide May’s best game lies in your hands. What will you choose? Don’t dawdle — polls close Sunday night.
What is the voting criteria? That’s up to you! If you were only able to recommend one new release to a friend that month, which would it be? In keeping with our long tradition in the Game of the Year Awards, remastered or re-released games won’t qualify (Editor’s note: Sorry, Dark Souls). Ambitious, larger-scale rebuilds and remakes like Shadow of the Colossus and Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will.
How are nominees decided? The PlayStation.Blog and PlayStation Store editorial teams will gather a list of that month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll. Write-in votes will be accepted.
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