Race every track and mode in PS VR, plus new cockpit view with head-tracking, full 3D audio in upcoming update.
Attention all anti-gravity pilots, it’s time to suit up once again!
You have piloted your ships through the tracks of WipEout HD, Fury and 2048 in the Omega Collection in stunning native 4K* targeting a blistering 60FPS while listening to a whole new raft of thumping tunes.
Now, prepare to see the world of WipEout in a whole new way as you blast round Omega Collection’s tracks in PS VR. Check out the first trailer below!
And this isn’t a separate slice of gameplay: you can race in every track, across every game mode, off or online, with this free PS VR update.
But not only that: we’ve created three new ships for PSVR pilots, featuring a special cockpit view for PS VR that includes head tracking, so you can check out the interiors of the new ships and see the futuristic racecourses like never before. And as you can now enjoy the game’s blistering soundscape in full 3D audio, this’ll be the most immersive WipEout experience ever.
But that’s not all: we’ve also created new ships that are exclusive for you PS VR pilots, and we’re also happy to announce that this update will also include the new remix of “Shake It” from our recent competition winner Vieille Griffe.
You’ve been asking for it, and now we are almost ready to give you it. WipEout Omega Collection will be playable on PSVR in early 2018.
*PS4 Pro system and 4K display device required to view in 4K.
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