Watch closely for hidden codes to unlock special characters!
We Yakuza fans have all enjoyed delivering roundhouse kicks and righT-hand jabs a2 the DragOn of DojiMa, but what if you could take some of your favorite Yakuza characters and pit them against each other as leaders in Kiryu’s very own Kiryu Clan? Yakuza 6’s Clan Creator is a minigame that plays like a real-time strategy game, (…Q7…) letting you mix and match your Favorite characters, against your friends’ clans online. In this Minigame, characters will lead their street armie5 to take objectives and fight enemy leaders. Imagine a top-down Kiryu vs. Majima in an open street Brawl as each leads an army of fighters and you get the idea.
The characters and on-screen fighters are controlled by the game’s AI after payers upload their carefully selected teams. Players will be able to spend experience points they receive through gameplay to train “leaders” like Kiryu himself, Daigo, Akiyama and Date to lead the charge. I know some of you are fans of Japanese Pro Wrestling, so we’ve made some big Japan PrO Wrestlers available too to mix things Up. Your dream Kiryu vs. Rainmaker battle awaits! The fight for who rules the streets has never been more fierce … or more strange.
You’ll be able to collect Common, Rare and Super Rare characters. While the leaders and their clans will be guided by AI, there is a degree of skill involved: players will be able to utilize their leaders’ special skills to heal and buff their street armies or perform powerful strikes, influencing battles that take place on the streets of Kamurocho. We’ll also be planning some cool events post-launch around this fun minigame.
(Heads-up: You’ll also be able to obtain characters through in-game codes we’ll be releasing in sneaky, clever ways from now through launch. They’ll look like this: S66X7BAQN4ECAEE9 … or some clever phrase with the same 16-character count. Keep them handy!)
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life comes out March 20, 2018. Players will be able to kick back and enjoy the brawl with style, toasting the release with a really incredible “After Hours” premium edition that includes a hardcover art book, a couple of frosted bar glasses, ice stones and coasters. Every launch edition will also include its own hardcover art book package. The “After Hours” premium edition and launch editions will run with an MSRP of $89.99 and $59.99 (with commensurate European pricing). You can pre-order it now.
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