Plan your attack, slow down time itself and maximize the destruction you leave in your wake throughout each level.
Hi everyone! It’s great to be back at PlayStation.Blog to show you a new game — Time Recoil will be available for PS4 September 12th for $13.99 USD.
You may know 10tons from our previous twin-stick shooter Neon Chrome, which was free on PS Plus for PlayStation 4 and Vita in June. After developing that sprawling, procedurally generated, roguelite-ish big chunk of a game, we felt like we enjoy making twin stick shooters as much as ever, but we should make our next project something completely different.
We almost instinctively looked at more compact games like Hotline Miami, Mr. Shifty and even Superhot. Each of these titles feature a very strong core mechanic, with the whole game wrapped tightly around it. We weren’t surprised when the first Time Recoil test players mentioned some of those reference titles in their feedback.
So, Time Recoil is a twin stick shooter, but it’s very different than Neon Chrome. Time Recoil is all about single bullet kills and making full use of the time slowdown effect that kicks in every time you take someone out. Additional kills in slowdown mode extend the period of the slowdown, and as you progress in the game, chained kills charge increasingly powerful special moves as well.
Special moves are the key to clearing many of the harder challenges of the game; they’ll allow you to dash through walls and enemies, obliterate rooms of enemies in a single blast, and ultimately even freeze time completely. The toughest levels require you to figure out sequences and even rhythms to your kills to keep the time slowdown going and chaining enough kills to get that all-powerful special move.
The action puzzle like elements are emphasized even more in the game’s time attack mode, where each of the game’s levels are timed. The online leaderboards competition is likely to get heated, with times recorded up to thousandths of a second!
A PS Vita version of Time Recoil is also possible somewhere down the line. It pretty much comes down to finding the… time. Stay tuned!
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