The newest game from the creators of Bastion and Transistor is now live on PS4. Listen to a song from its huge, two-disc soundtrack here.
It’s finally here… Supergiant’s biggest-ever game, Pyre, is out now for PlayStation 4, and you can get it right here! And, if you haven’t seen it, check out our launch trailer!
We hope you have a wonderful time with Pyre, meeting all your fellow exiles, discovering the forsaken land called the Downside, and conducting the mystical competition called the Rites! Be sure to stick around for Versus Mode, featuring more than 20 different characters from the Campaign. Here’s a sneak peek at all of them in the Character Select screen:
Pyre: Original Soundtrack: Also available today is the Pyre Original Soundtrack, packed with close to two hours of music created for the game by our award-winning composer and audio director, Darren Korb. We’re pleased to offer a variety of free streaming options, or you can purchase the soundtrack either in digital format or in a lovely two-disc physical edition on CD. We’d also like to exclusively debut a track from the album right here and now! Feast your ears on Dread Design!
This is the theme of one of the opposing triumvirates you’ll face in Pyre, known as the Withdrawn. They’re the scariest-looking bunch you’ll see in our launch trailer. For this piece, Darren conjured up an appropriately chilling and intense sound, which makes the stakes of prevailing against the Withdrawn feel that much higher. The Pyre Original Soundtrack has close to 40 other pieces of music in store besides this one!
Closing Thoughts: Supergiant’s been around since 2009, and we’ve always said that we’re here to make games that spark your imagination like the games you played as a kid. We’re also here because we want to stick together as a team, to keep making games our way. We spent three years creating Pyre — but really it’s the culmination of the seven-plus years our studio has been around, and of a lifelong love of games for each of us. We really hope you enjoy it, and we’re excited to hear what you think.
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