Surreal Party Game YamaYama Out Today on PS4

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Surreal Party Game YamaYama Out Today on PS4

Play with your friends, family, or maybe a cat.

When was the last time you played a game as an old man named Susan wearing a chicken suit?

Last week, you say? Okay. But was that old man able to blow up like a balloon? And did he still have his arms attached to his body? No. That´s what I thought.

YamaYama is out. Today. Providing you with all the armless action you could hope for in a party game.

You might be wondering at this point what YamaYama is? Well, it is a videogame built for two to four friends wanting to laugh and have a merry ol’ time.

In YamaYama things are fundamentally simple, though there are features installed beyond your imagination. You can enjoy a match with anyone: your children, friends, parents, or cat. It’s simple enough, but plotting and backstabbing are part of the game.

There are many different game modes in YamaYama. You have to hitch a ride on a flying pancake that is being driven by a bee. Then there’s the one where you have to save a penguin before it gets shot on a rocket into space while the other players try to stop you. The list goes on.

How do you feel about fatsuits? You know, the ones you see at town fairs and carnivals. We enjoy them! So much so that we have built YamaYama around the idea of it; all characters have the ability to fatsuit. We don’t know how it works in other games, but in YamaYama if you press a particular button the character you’re playing as “fatsuits,” pushing all the other players away. That’s how it would work in real life, due to physics and — I don’t know — science? But watch out: everyone else can fatsuit.

When eliminated in YamaYama you can still play the game, move your indicator around and drop traps of various types to fiddle with the outcome of the match. Was another player particularly mean to you? Get revenge from beyond the grave!

So! Now you know the ins and outs of YamaYama. Play with your friends in more than twenty game modes in different arenas with six uniquely drawn characters.

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