Vehicles, PS4 Pro support, and a host of visual improvements arrive in Hello Games' vision of galactic exploration.
Here at Hello Games we’re excited to be launching our next free content update for No Man’s Sky. We’re calling it the Path Finder Update. It adds planetary vehicles plus lots more to our game, and shows the path forward for the future.
We were surprised, excited, and overwhelmed by the positive response to our last update (Foundation), and it made us even more passionate about continuing to update this game we love.
Here’s a summary of the things we’ve added:
- PlayStation 4 Pro Support
- Improved Visuals
- Owning Multiple Ships
- Base Sharing Online
- New Vehicles — Exocraft
- Permadeath Mode
- Build Vehicle Race Tracks
- Ship Specializations and Classes
- Shop/Traders
- Double the Base Building Variety
- Multi-tool Specialization and Classes
- New Weapon Modes
- Photo Mode
- Discovery Menu
- Quality of Life Improvements
- 50% more original music from 65daysofstatic
That’s a lot, but let’s give a little more detail about some of the biggest additions.
As the title suggests, Path Finder heralds a new era of planetary exploration in No Man’s Sky. New vehicles, called Exocraft, enable explorers to travel at great speed across even the most inhospitable planetary terrains. There are three Exocraft to unlock and collect through Base Building, each of which can be further improved with powerful weaponry, mining equipment, and long-range scanners to maximize their effectiveness.
For those seeking the ultimate challenge, we’ve introduced a brutally difficult new game mode called Permadeath. Not only does this mode mirror the high difficulty level of Survival mode (which, by the way, has been made harder with damaged ships crash landing on planets), but dying will also wipe your saves and start you from the beginning. Of course, this deserves recognition, so new Trophies have been introduced for Survival and Permadeath mode.
No Man’s Sky has never looked better, with a host of visual improvements including new high resolution textures, improved lighting, ambient occlusion, and of course PS4 Pro support. Players looking to capture their favorite moments can also make use of a new photo mode. This screenshot tool lets players change the time of day, increase or decrease fog and cloud levels, unlock their camera for the perfect angle, and even add filters to their screenshots. We can’t wait to see what the community can come up with!
Each ship and weapon in the game now has a specialization (like fighter, hauler, scientific) and class (A, B, C, and the ultra rare S). New offensive weapon types have been added for starships and multi-tools, and you can now purchase multiple ships and store them in your freighter.
The full patch notes are pretty lengthy, so head over to the official Path Finder website for more info.
Thank you again for your support. We hope you enjoy.
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