It’s been a while since our last check in! We haven’t even gotten a chance to tell you that late last year, a physical version of Shovel Knight finally arrived for PS Vita. Since it’s been so long, we’d like to provide a status report on the PS4, PS Vita, and PS3 versions of Shovel Knight and all its expansions. Let’s dig in!
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove and Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment will be launching this April!
Yay — the next expansion, Specter of Torment, is coming soon! But you might be wondering what is Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove? Before we get to that, we have more announcements to uncover!
Body Swap Mode for Shovel Knight will launch simultaneously with Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment!
Body Swap Mode is finally done! You can individually switch the body types of any Order of No Quarter Knight, Enchantress, Shovel Knight, Shield Knight, and Black Knight. Here’s your first look at body-swapped Shovel Knight and Shield Knight!!
Shovel Knight two player co-op will be available for PS4 and PS3!
For the first time on PlayStation, local two player co-op in Shovel Knight’s campaign is coming as a free update.
Sound Test Mode
For all you music lovers, we’ve decided to add a Shovel Knight Sound Test Mode where you can listen to all the tracks from every campaign. It’ll be a free update to all versions of the game.
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment and Shovel Knight Co-op at PAX South
This will be the first time you can experience Specter of Torment. Be sure to join us! And be easy on us… it’s our first time at PAX South!
Introducing Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Okay! Soon, the game you now know as Shovel Knight will become Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. When that happens, you’ll also have new options to purchase each campaign as separate, standalone games on PS4.
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope — Shovel of Hope is our new name for the original Shovel Knight game. But it needed a title like the others! What do you think?
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows — Plague Knight’s Campaign emerges from the Shadows to hopefully get some recognition this time!
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment — Specter of Torment is our most expansive campaign yet. We’re so excited for you to become the reaper!
Later in 2017, the following will release (names TBD):
Shovel Knight: King Knight’s Campaign — A crazy campaign with the gilded goob himself!
Shovel Knight: Battle Mode — On PS4 and PS3, duel with up to four players as your favorite heroic or villainous knight!
Why is this happening? Well, we hope providing less expensive standalone versions will provide better entry points for different types of players. Also, players can more easily grab an adventure (or Battle Mode) on another platform.
All owners of Shovel Knight on all platforms will automatically own Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove instead and will continue to get each of the planned free campaigns and features via updates. It will work exactly like how Shovel Knight was updated to include its first campaign addition, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Don’t worry!
In the spring, we will be raising the price of Shovel Knight. If you haven’t picked up Shovel Knight yet and want all the content included within Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, buy it now before the price increases this Spring! Or pick a selection of the standalone versions for a cheaper price.
Don’t forget King Knight’s very own campaign and the 4-player Battle Mode are still on the horizon for 2017. As described above, they will become available as standalone games on PS4 and will also be delivered as free updates Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove on PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Look forward to more news on these in the future!
All Your Questions!
We understand all the news might leave you a bit puzzled. If you have any questions, let us know and we’ll continue to update this page.
Whew! That’s all we’ve got for today. Look forward to Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment on PlayStation very soon.
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