Hello Humans! IT’S ALMOST TIME TO JOB! Job Simulator is launching day-one on PlayStation VR! This means that the same day you get your meaty hands on your brand spankin’ new HMD, you’ll be able to use your virtual hands to cause unending mischief in Job Simulator.
We’re so excited to be launching on PS VR. We’ve spent a ton of time working to make a fantastic living room experience, making sure the game is super smooth, accurate, and squeezes every ounce of performance from the hardware.
This included spending an inordinate amount of time focusing on getting your hands in VR feeling “right.”
Whenever people get into VR, one of the very first things they do is look at their hands — hands are so intrinsically important to the person in VR. They’re everyone’s natural and primary method of interacting with the real world.
At Owlchemy, we fundamentally believe that one of the most important tenets of VR are hands that can naturally manipulate anything. When a player can seamlessly use their hands to accurately throw, grab, twist, smack, and generally cause mayhem, it’s a thing of beauty, and some really amazing physics-based shenanigans are possible. Juggling? Go for it! Balancing eight pieces of bread on top of each other and then toppling your bread-tower by tossing a half-eaten tomato? Go nuts. With 6-degrees-of-freedom hand interactions and accurate physics, almost anything is possible. We can’t wait to see what players will come up with!
In order to pull off smooth hand interactions, we worked extremely hard to consistently hit 90 frames per second throughout the entire game. This required a lot of optimization, testing, and re-optimization, but the result is an experience that allows for chugging coffee with one hand while typing on a binary keyboard with the other, all with relative ease (If, of course, you can pull that off in real life!).
So be sure to pick up two PlayStation Move Motion Controllers and try it for yourself– you’ll need those to have full control of your hands in order to toss tires, fling fruit, and throw a stapler at your boss.
Also, we’re super thrilled to be included on the PlayStation VR Demo Disc! Our short office demo will let everyone get a small taste of all the chaos, jokes, and oversized hotdogs included in the full version of Job Simulator. Once you’ve been sufficiently sold on the automated robotic future that is Job Simulator, simply eat the “Buy!” Donut at the end of the demo to be taken directly to the store page! PREPARE. TO. JOB.
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