Hello, everyone!
My name is David Leon, and I’m the studio head of Lince Works, the studio behind Aragami. Today we want to announce our release date. Here it goes… Aragami is coming on October 4! To us, this is a huge deal — we’ve been working on Aragami for over two years, and finally we will be able to share our game with PS4 fans worldwide.
In case you haven’t heard about our game, Aragami is a third-person stealth game in which you have the power to control the shadows. As Aragami, you take on the role of an undead assassin who was brought back to life by Yamiko — a princess that is imprisoned by Kaiyo, the army of light. She is the key to bringing you back to life, and also the key to figuring out your past.
Using your shadow powers, you will be able to teleport between shadows, create shadow paths to avoid detection by enemies, create shadow decoys and weapons, and even summon shadow creatures that will strangle or decapitate your enemies.
We’ve catered the game to two distinct playstyles — Ghosts and Demons. Ghosts are the type of players that prefer to be silent assassins that leave no traces behind. Demons, on the other hand, are brutal killing machines that love to vanquish every enemy in the area. Whichever playstyle you choose, you will not be punished for your choice, and if you want, you can mix and match your styles for whatever the occasion calls.
With Aragami, we really wanted to bring that feeling of stealth back into games. Over the last few years, we feel the genre has become a bit watered down. Being spotted by an enemy is no longer cause for an alarm — it doesn’t really matter anymore. We want to change that. We want players to feel real tension — calculating your next move, planning your attack wisely, and using your head as well as your reflexes.
Aragami will give you around 8-10 hours of gameplay, more if you want to find all the collectibles. You will also have the chance to play Aragami with your friend in online co-op. And to all the trophy hunters — yes, there is a Platinum trophy to collect!
Aragami will be available at retail and at PlayStation Store, thanks to our friends at Merge Games Publishing. And there is also a collector’s edition available as well (big thanks to them!).
Thank you for reading and letting us share the news! We are super excited by all of this, and I hope that you guys felt a bit of excitement too. We hope to see you guys in Aragami’s world on October 4! Plus, if you have any comments, feedback, or questions — don’t be shy and let us know what you think below in the comments!
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