Update: the release date for this game has changed.
Hey PlayStation players (and PS Vita owners in particular)! My name is Alexander Birke and I run a small indie studio called Out Of Bounds. You might have seen the last post I did where I announced my game Laser Disco Defenders was coming for PS Vita. Well this time I’m back because the game will launch very soon!
I’m happy to announce that the game will also come out on PS4 with cross buy support later in the year. Since my last post, I have been busy putting even more grooviness into the game. The outfit system where you customize how you play has had a lot of new items added to it.
Keep your enemies at bay with the visor! A reticule will show you if your shot will hit an enemy. Perfect for sniping from a distance and for those who want to make each shot count.
Chrome Suit
Nothing like a bit of chrome to lighten up your day. Whatever clothes you are wearing determines how you shoot and with the chrome suit you get a rapid fire stream of beams. This is great if you want to clear a room quickly but you then have to deal with all the lasers bouncing around afterwards. It is also not as precise as the other options in the game.
Moon Boots
Why do you only weigh one sixth on the moon? Because you are wearing moon boots! Personally I like to combine them with the Visor since it makes it even easier to hit enemies from a distance. You do pay in slower acceleration though, so it can be tricky to get out of a tough situation after you have cleared a room.
Have any questions about the game? Let me know in the comments!
Follow me on Twitter or Facebook if you want to follow the rest of the development.
I also plan to do an update to the game after launch so if you have any feedback on the game let me know through social media.
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