You seem like the kind of gamer who loves the finer things in life. Well, if adventuring through a multiverse of endless possibilities alongside thousands of other players, building massive worlds of your very own, collecting phat loot, and riding dragons is your idea of the finer things, we’ve got good news for you. Trove is coming to PS4 later this year and things are about to get voxelated.
What is Trove?
Trove is a voxel-based, action MMO with more than a dozen unique classes to choose from, massive adventure worlds loaded with baddies to battle, and countless dungeons to conquer. You can collect thousands of unique items (designed by our team and players like you), explore incredible lands, like the rolling ice cream hills of Candoria and the pirate-filled Treasure Isles, fight against the forces of shadow who serve Q’bthulhu (you read that right), and so much more!
What isn’t Trove?
Trove is not a sandwich…though you can dress like a hot dog in Trove and wield and ice cream sandwich as a weapon…
Tell me more about player-created stuff!
We’re overflowing with thousands of player-created items such as swords, staves, helmets, mounts, and yes, even the aforementioned dragons — lots of them. For those of you looking to take on gaming at a larger scale, we’ve got you covered.
Club Worlds are your very own corner of the multiverse where you can invite your friends to join you in building wonders. The only limit is your imagination — and how many blocks you can collect — so really, just two limits. Also time… I mean, you’ll probably need to eat at some point or catch a movie. Look, the main thing is that there are not very many limits. It’s a really small number.
What if I just want to melt faces and rack up numbers?
If building isn’t your scene, you can pick from a huge array of classes and take the fight to the forces of shadow that have invaded the sprawling landscape. Jump into our adventure worlds and face off against fearless foes in the open, or test your mettle by bashing bosses in our vast collection of dungeons, to achieve new heights of power.
We even have PvP: team deathmatch and capture the flag. Not only that, but in totally Trove fashion, you can create custom PvP arenas in your own Club World!
Trove is a free-to-play MMO adventure that brings you, your friends, and thousands of other players together to battle, build, and explore. We’re incredibly excited to come to PS4 this year. Join us on this epic journey!
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