Since we first announced Valley a couple months ago, many of you have been itching to see more jumping, swinging and life-giving action. The response has been incredible and we cannot wait to launch the game so you can all experience the L.E.A.F. suit’s amazing powers firsthand.
As our team at Blue Isle Studios gears up for the release, we thought we’d offer a deeper glimpse into some of Valley’s gameplay. Take a look at seven new minutes of footage and hold tight just a bit longer — you’ll be equipping your own L.E.A.F. suits later this summer!
As you’ll see in the video, intrepid players can do some truly incredible things as they seek to further uncover the mysteries of the valley: give life to dying trees and animals; leap the distance of an entire football field; swing through a Pathfinder training forest of ginormous trees; and even defend oneself against some mysterious enemies. These are just some of the many awesome things you’ll be able to do as you explore the ancient depths of the valley, all the while keeping both it and yourself alive.
Valley launches this summer on PS4. There’s so much to explore and discover, we hope you look forward to an amazing adventure to be had.
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