Greetings PlayStation Nation.
This week at Bungie, we’re super excited to reveal the next adventure in Destiny. This Fall, we’ll launch a new expansion entitled ‘Rise of Iron.’ Here is your first glimpse.
You’re invited to follow in the footsteps of Lord Saladin in a brand new story that culminates in an epic Raid. We’re giving you a new zone to explore, packed with new enemies to fight and new mysteries to solve. We’re even bringing back the most iconic weapon in the Destiny arsenal.
The Gjallarhorn is just one of the weapons you can earn in Rise of Iron (it even comes in Black if you pre-order). As you confront a new threat, you’ll be rewarded with new weapons and armor and make your Guardian more powerful. Rise of Iron will deliver more of everything you love about Destiny. If you missed our reveal stream today, there are even more details you can learn from the development team in the archive of the stream.
This kicks off a conversation about what awaits Guardians that will last all Summer long. Next stop: E3. We’re looking forward to talking with our friends at PlayStation on their own stream, so keep an eye out for us.
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