Final Fantasy has left a lasting impression on millions of video game fans. Those fans — and of course, a brand new generation — are going to find a lot to love about World of Final Fantasy! Here’s a brand new E3 trailer that shows off the adorably familiar characters in the world of Grymoire!
In World of Final Fantasy, players lead a pair of twins, Reynn and Lann, through the land of Grymoire on a search to rediscover their lost memories. Along the way, they’ll come across many familiar faces and places, changes sizes from Jiant tall to Lilikin small, and stack to attack! Longtime fans will be reunited with legendary heroes, and fight using a new strategic take on the Active Time Battle system.
Throughout their adventure, players will collect, raise and battle adorable beings of classic Final Fantasy lore including the cactuar, chocobo and behemoth to create customizable, strategic tower combinations to take on the most challenging of opponents.
World of Final Fantasy comes out October 25th for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita!
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