Hi, PlayStation gamers! This is Scott Mercer, the principal designer for Overwatch at Blizzard Entertainment. We’re very excited for you to jump and play the game today. If you’re not familiar with Overwatch, it’s a team-based shooter that pits two teams of six larger-than-life heroes against each other on objective-based maps that span the globe. To help you become a better hero, here is one special tip for each of our 21 unique characters. We can’t wait for you to get on the battlefield.
- Don’t stay deployed in Sentry Configuration in one location for too long, or your enemy will adapt and gain the upper hand.
- If you use Self-Destruct after activating Boosters, D.Va ejects—but her mech continues moving forward before detonating.
- Genji’s Deflect ability isn’t just for defense. Aim at enemies when using it to hit them with their own attacks.
- Scatter Arrow can be devastating when aimed at the ground in front of your target.
- Detonate a Concussion Mine at your feet to launch yourself into the air and reach higher areas. Don’t worry—you won’t take any damage from your own Mine.
- Soundwave, the alternate fire mode of Lúcio’s Sonic Amplifier, is useful for keeping enemies away, but it can also be used to push enemies off of cliffs.
- After stunning an enemy with your Flashbang, it’s much easier to hit them with the Peacekeeper’s alternate fire.
- Placing an Ice Wall under you or your teammates will raise them up on top of the wall, giving them access to higher areas.
- Guardian Angel can save you, too—use it on a distant teammate to take yourself out of immediate danger from enemies.
- Concussive Blast can push enemies away and even knock them off cliffs, but you can also use it to push yourself away.
- While you pass through enemies when you’re in Wraith Form, you can still gather Health Packs and Soul Globes while using it.
- You can adjust the direction of your Charge as you rocket forward, making it so you can reach a target even if there’s not a straight path.
- Chain Hook can interrupt many enemy abilities — including some ultimates.
Soldier: 76
- Use Tactical Visor when your enemies are unaware of your location. They’ll have less time to seek cover or use defensive abilities.
- The projectile from the Photon Projector’s alternate fire pierces through enemies as well as barriers such as Reinhardt’s Barrier Field, allowing it to hit multiple targets.
- Turrets must rotate to face their target before firing, so always try to build your turrets in the direction you’re expecting enemies to come from.
- If you Recall immediately after taking damage, you will regain your lost health.
- Venom Mines placed along the likely path of an attacker can warn you of an approaching threat.
- Winston leaps in the direction of his targeting reticle when activating his Jump Pack. By looking up, he can jump nearly straight up and land where he took off.
- Graviton Surge can pull enemies away from a map objective, giving your team a chance to take the objective uncontested.
- Transcendence is a great counter to many enemy area-of-effect abilities, such as Zarya’s Graviton Surge.
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