Hi everyone! My name is Craig Turner and I’m the Community Manager at Deep Silver Dambuster Studios, working on Homefront: The Revolution. The whole team here in Nottingham has been hard at work pumping our blood, sweat, and tears into the game so you guys can have an awesome experience when you get your hands on it as it launches tomorrow!

Here are a few behind-the-scenes tidbits directly from our dev team:
- There are 95 unique heads/faces as part of the Resistance! We scanned a lot of heads with our state-of-the-art face scanning technology, so many of the characters in the game are pretty special to us, because some of them are us. We are the Revolution!
- The open world of occupied Philadelphia is populated with more than 384 unique and individual NPC personalities! We have a wide cast of characters in Homefront: The Revolution, and the great thing about the Resistance is that it’s made up of people who come from all walks of life. We’re really excited that PlayStation fans will get to meet the cast and discover their unique stories.
- There are more than 50,000 lines of dialogue reordered to convey the story of Homefront: The Revolution. In order to deliver the level of storytelling we aimed to achieve, we focused on capturing the perfect performance to give our characters and story life. Speaking of dialogue, communication is key in the Co-Op Resistance Mode. You’ll need to work with your team if you want to stand a chance against the KPA.
- Gear up with 31 attachments across 6 different weapon groups. All of these can be accessed on the fly without going into any menu, even during combat! The KPA outmatch you when it comes to firepower, but with the Resistance’s conversion kit you can adapt your weapon in battle to stay ahead of your enemies. Out of those attachments, 9 are quite unique and can convert your standard battle rifle into, oh, let’s say, a freedom launcher!
- Lastly, you’ll be happy to know there are 136 1/2 rubber ducks in the game (don’t ask about the half one). This one is probably the most critical element to Homefront: The Revolution. You’ll catch glimpses of these little guys as you traverse through the city. Don’t be afraid to investigate abandoned buildings, you might find hidden resistance supply caches and rubber ducks.
We’re all incredibly excited for you to learn more about Homefront: The Revolution come launch day, and we look forward to hearing about your triumphs as you ignite a revolution yourself.
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