Downwell will be making its way to PS4 and PS Vita on May 24!
In Downwell, you descend into a deep well filled with monsters and traps, equipped with the Gunboots — a set of boots that let you shoot bullets from your feet. You’ll be using it to clear your way of enemies, or as a way to slow your descent using its recoil.
On your way down you’ll find different guns, shops with helpful items, and upgrades like explosive balloons or a set of silverware to eat your foes with. The well is randomly generated, so no two trips down will ever be the same!
Downwell started out as a small project that I, a college student at the time, worked on in my free time. It came about as one of many small prototypes (I was making one every week) as an exercise to improve my game design skills. Downwell was my 13th game-a-week project, and as it seemed like it had potential to be a decent game — I decided to work on it even after the week was done.
As I continued development, it kind of blew up into something much bigger than I had ever imagined it being thanks to a number of people who saw potential in the game and decided to support it. It’s still pretty unreal to me that the game is now being released on PlayStation platforms, the consoles I’ve been playing for a large part of my life! My younger self would be super proud.
I just want to thank Devolver Digital and PlayStation for the support they’ve given me from the start to now — the game could not have come this far without their generous support! Also huge thanks to Red Phantom Games for porting Downwell to PlayStation platforms! I’m amazed that they managed it — I’m sure it wasn’t easy to go through my terrible code.
Downwell will launch on PS4 and PS Vita with cross-buy support for $4.99 on May 24th. I hope you like it!
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