We are so excited today to announce that Shadow Complex Remastered will launch May 3 on PS4.
Delivering Shadow Complex to the amazing audience of PlayStation gamers has always been a goal for us at Chair, and we can’t wait to introduce all of you to the game next month!
Some of our favorite gaming experiences have been made possible on PS4 (We can’t wait to get our hands on the new Uncharted!) and we’re honored to have Shadow Complex join such an amazing roster of games.
Our initial goal in designing Shadow Complex was to create a game reminiscent of the classic nonlinear 2D side-scrollers we’d always loved — games like Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. This beloved genre provided some of our most memorable gaming experiences, but was abandoned for more than a decade in favor of new games pushing 3D graphics. We love our modern games, but also longed for something new with the flavor and simplicity of something old. We hoped that others shared our passion for this genre and that Shadow Complex might help to reinvigorate it!
It’s been an amazing experience to watch fellow gamers embrace Shadow Complex with such enthusiasm and we’ve enjoyed playing some of the other new side-scrollers that have since followed.
Our twist on classic side-scroller action with modern design sensibility is presented in an original single-player adventure that unfolds across a range of non-linear levels. Gameplay centers around exploration and fast-paced combat, challenging you to gather power-ups to overcome obstacles, thwart enemies, and delve into a mysterious and challenging world. Shadow Complex’s extensive 10+ hour campaign lives on through multiple playthroughs as you obtain all of the game’s items and power-ups, as well as the bonus Proving Grounds mode, which provides side challenges to help hone the skills needed to become the ultimate Shadow Complex master.
Shadow Complex Remastered gives you all of the original game content, updated with graphical enhancements, and additional Master Challenges. We’ve also added some fun surprises like all-new dynamic melee take-downs, so you can feel even more awesome when you’re stealing the bad guys’ tech and using it against them!
We’re so grateful for all of your feedback and support that has allowed us to bring Shadow Complex Remastered to PS4. We’re looking forward to introducing you to the game on May 3rd!
We invite you to join us today at 4:00 PM Eastern on Twitch for our Shadow Complex live stream to see the game in action on PS4 and to meet some of the Chair team members.
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