Hey there PlayStation.Blog readers. This year we’re celebrating 21 years of Worms. Originally launched in 1995, Worms has long been a staple for many gamers. To mark the occasion, I’m here today to let you know that Worms W.M.D will be heading to PS4 later this year! Featuring a fresh, brand new look and gorgeous hand-drawn landscapes.
The first thing I’m thrilled to tell you about in Worms W.M.D is the vehicles! Currently we have a helicopter and a tank in the game that the worms are able to use during battle. When it’s your turn, simply approach a vehicle and hop in to start using it. Take to the skies and rain down bullets on the worms below using the helicopter, or traverse across the landscape in warfare-ready tanks, which will help you get around faster, protect your worms, and fire a barrage of shots.
The next big change for Worms W.M.D is the implementation of brand new buildings. Previously in Worms, the landscape in the 2D entries has been a flat texture to play across. Now we’re introducing buildings, which are really awesome and offer a great tactical advantage — especially in online games! You can enter a building and fire off shots from inside, but when the turn passes, your worm will be hidden inside.
The game is looking beautiful so far and a lot of that is down to the improved landscape generator. In past games, players would battle across randomly generated landscapes that had a texture applied and then a fringe layer of grass etc. over the top. We’ve been working hard to improve the landscape generator so that now we are able to have individually drawn landscape pieces that the generator knows how to place together to make fun, unique maps to play on. They look brilliant.
As always, you can definitely expect solid single-player modes and crazy local and online multiplayer for you to wreak havoc in. All with that essential feel of the classic Worms experience but with beautiful, modern new additions that really add to the gameplay.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this post. We’ve still got a lot more to reveal about Worms W.M.D so please do stay tuned. We can’t wait to launch the game on PS4 later this year, and we hope to play against/with you online!
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