Our beta program for PlayStation 4’s next major system software update, version 3.50 (codenamed MUSASHI), kicks off tomorrow. If you signed up for the beta and were selected, keep an eye on your email for instructions on downloading.
Regardless of whether you’re in the beta, we wanted to detail some of the key features we’re adding to PS4 in this update. We’re making it easier to play together with friends and adding the ability to appear offline when you’d rather play solo.
New Social Features
- Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign on the network.
- Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being bothered by friends. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.
- User Scheduled Event – Time for a play date! We’ve added the ability to schedule a future gameplay session with your friends on the system. When your event starts, users who registered for the event will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.
- Play Together – This features allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.
Other New System Features
- Remote Play (PC/Mac) – We’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to Windows PC and Mac. This feature won’t be available to test in the beta, but you can look forward to it soon.
- Dailymotion – With this update, you’ll be able to live stream directly to Dailymotion on PS4. We’ll also support archiving live broadcasts, like we do for other streaming services.
Stay tuned for more details on MUSASHI, including additional key features and its release date.
Um…what are people complaining about? Some of the most highly requested features are being added. Appear offline and friend login in notification.
Still want to be able to change the colour of the systems light bar
I also think that holding on the changing the PSN ID is quite hilarious: They thought they were SO CLEVER when they created their PSN ID back then :P Serves you right!!!
I’d like to see that purchase now icon removed from the PlayStation Dynamic Menu for games that I purchased as a disc. If I have the disc why would I also want to buy the digital version?
Also I bought the Trials Fusion awesome max edition(the base game and all dlc is included) from the ps store but on the PDM there is still that purchase now icon and below it there is a start demo button. How is it that I purchased the digital bundle and can play the full game but my ps4 says I only have the demo and is prompting me to purchase the game.?
My digital copies of infamous first light and the last of us don’t have this issue.
Hopefully someone could look into these two problems.
Just one more vote for folders
Not hard for sony to create a new server that allows fir an ID change and dump everyones info onto it. Sony is lazy and doesn’t want to spend the money for a better network even though they make millions on PS+.
yes your correct change the entire network because a few thousand people want to change their name
Learn to IT please. It’s is not “easy”, nor is Sony being “Lazy”.
They are looking into it, to see if it can be engineered. I think they understand it could pay for itself, the question is how they designed the system back in 2005, and if they can change a DB field, that states it isn’t changeable.
@ TwinDad: Exactly. Though, if they added a new value, such as “display name”, and copied the ID field into it at inception so everyone’s name showed as they currently are, then allowed the “display name” field to be changeable, wouldn’t that potentially solve the problem? I’m sure it would still take work to do, and I’m not a network engineer so it could be way more complex than that, but I’ve heard others suggest something similar, and it seems like it would work.