PlayStation Plus members have spoken! The chosen title for March’s free games line up is Broforce.
Also, Plus members will get Action Henk and Assault Android Cactus at a 30% discount starting March 8th through March 21st. Congratulations to all three titles for their entry into our Vote to Play promotion! We also wanted to give a special thanks to all Plus members for their vote. We can’t wait until the games are released.
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Hi PS Plus members! Vote to Play voting begins today. Let’s learn about the games, the studios that made them, and how you can vote to include one of these incredible projects in the March PS Plus free games lineup.
Action Henk!
Studio Name: RageSquid
Studio Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Development Time: 18 months
From the Team:
Action Henk is a fast-paced running, jumping, and butt-sliding platformer in a glorious 3D, toy filled world!
We’d love to share Action Henk with the PS Plus players for free, so vote for Henk!
Assault Android Cactus
Studio Name: Witch Beam
Studio Location: Brisbane, Australia
Development Time: 3 years
From the Team:
Assault Android Cactus is a fast-paced, tightly-tuned shoot ’em up that plays like a modern day arcade. It’s exciting to see Cactus make it to PS4, so we hope you’ll vote for it so everyone can get to experience it!
Studio Name: Free Lives
Studio Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Time of Development for the Game: 3 1/2 years. Like liberty, it cannot be measured in a linear time frame.
From the Team:
Broforce fights terror in the name of freedom through the use of excessive force to blast liberty into terrorists. Vote for Broforce because freedom should be free.
To get your vote in, fire up your PS4. Access Vote to Play under the dedicated PlayStation Plus section on the top left corner of your PS4 home screen. Details can also be found under What’s New or the PlayStation Plus section of the PlayStation Store.
Happy voting!
Glad they are giving us a chance to vote again. But all these games look boring as all hell. Voting is a good thing when there is something worth voting for. Maybe next time.
Played it on PC and it’s create fun and
have to support the fellow South Africans
I’d say Assault Android Cactus is my vote.
Broforce yeaaah
Can we get an actual free AAA title game instead of these stupid ass indie games!
By far, it has to be Assault Android Cactus
I was Canadian before I played Broforce. Now I’m riding Bald Eagles into battle against Satan–pumping him full of democracy and high-fiving Jesus.
50 out of 50 stars with stripes.
AAC all the way. Something familiar with a twist.
Broforce plzzz
I voted Action Henk, but Broforce is gonna win.
Hmmm. I cant decide. I don’t think I would play any of these, free or not. I give kudos to the people that put the time in putting them together and got them developed, but I think I will stick to spending my time playing games I bought and are good for more than 5 minutes.
All so primitive like 1980
Assault Android Cactus
Assault android cactus
Bro force all the way.
I would have to vote for Assault Android Cactus
Action Henk!
Action henk
Assault Android Cactus
Bro force
Well, that broforce video just made sure I’m never playing the game, they are just trying so damn hard. Not only on the vídeo, but in the game as well.
Henk looks awesome!
Assault Android Cactus . Done
Assault Android Cactus is the way to go!!!
Vote Broforce for the Power Ranger theme song at the end of every stage you finish.
Assault Android Cactus is my choice for a modern shooter…looks sweet! Cool graphics…
Assault Android Cactus is my choice for a modern shooter. .cool graphics!
You should not give games nobody has heard of because it makes it not worth it to get. Next month (or this month) should have either PlayStation all-stars battle royale, or sly 4
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale was already a PS Plus free game a couple months ago