Hi everyone!
If all has gone well, then right now as you read this (or else very soon from now!) you can download The Witness on PlayStation Store.
It’s been a long road to get here and we have worked very hard to make the best game we can. It is the best thing I have ever worked on, and being able to put it out in the world, it’s a good feeling.
Reviews have started coming in already and they are very good! If you haven’t heard of the game before now (or have heard of it but don’t know what it is or why it’s interesting!), and think you might enjoy a game where you explore an abandoned island and solve puzzles, go ahead and check out a few reviews. But if you are already interested in the game, I would encourage you to stay away from reviews, because some parts of the game are *very* spoilable. You’ll have the best experience if you start completely in the dark.
I want to thank everyone at Sony who gave us so much support over the past few years. It was a very unusual step at the time for Sony to invite an independent developer like us to their console launch announcement — as far as I know, it was unprecedented — and it was a nice experience for us, and it probably helped a lot of new people find out about the game. Since then Sony has hosted us at E3 and PSX several times, and helped us in many ways when it came to building the best game we could for the PlayStation 4.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone out there who has supported the game, just by being interested in it — whether you enjoyed my previous game, Braid, or found out about The Witness in some other way. And I would like to thank the players who are about to have a very interesting time with the game and don’t even know it yet!
I take the practice of game design very seriously. When I sit down to design a game I work very hard for a long time to make it good. And I can only do that — and build that game with talented people — because of the support of all the players out there who are looking for new and boundary-pushing experiences.
Thank you!
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