We couldn’t be more grateful for the amazing year we’ve had here at Psyonix Studios. With your help, your enthusiasm, and your unbelievable loyalty, Rocket League has created a family of almost nine million players worldwide and the numbers keep getting better each and every day!
Next year, we have even bigger things in store for Rocket League, with a number of exciting announcements already planned to appear over the next several months. As always, we will continue to support the game as aggressively as we can, with new content, new modes, new DLC, new Arenas, and plenty of other cool things to keep you coming back and happy in 2016.
Of course, nothing we accomplished this year (or plan to do for the next) would have been possible without you, our dedicated community. You helped us reach our dreams with Rocket League, and now we hope to inspire yours for many years to come.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and thank you very much!
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