Ah, December. A time to celebrate a number of different holidays for a number of different reasons. The PlayStation.Blog team is taking some time off to visit, gain a few pounds, and hopefully catch up on some of that gaming backlog we’ve accrued over the course of 2015.
Before we sign off for the year, we wanted to celebrate the creators who make not only PlayStation.Blog, but this industry in its entirety possible. It’s these studios who create the worlds we yearn to escape to, who write the stories upon whose every word we hang. It’s thanks to them that we can do what we love to do.
We invited a few folks to stop by and pass along along any holiday greetings they might have for you, our dear readers, and they responded in kind! Let’s enjoy these festive holiday cards, take a moment to appreciate the projects these creators put their hearts and souls into, and look forward to another incredible year.
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