Earlier this year we revealed that we were bringing Infinifactory to PS4. I’m excited to announce that Infinifactory will be launching on PlayStation Store tomorrow! The game will be available for $24.99, and includes all of the bonus content developed while the game was in Early Access. And, if you’re a PS Plus member like me, you’ll enjoy a 20% discount if you grab the game in the first week!
One of the most important things to know about Infinifactory is that it’s not just a puzzle game — it’s an open-ended puzzle game. Unlike a typical puzzle game, where each puzzle has a single solution that you’re trying to uncover, every puzzle in Infinifactory has countless solutions, each with different strengths and weaknesses.
Infinifactory is the most ambitious game we’ve made to date, so I’m pleased that we’re able to bring it to PS4 for you to enjoy!
A Note from 22nd Century Toys:
Hi there, Infinifactory fans! 22nd Century Toys is proud to have helped with the PS4 version and we are excited that you’ll be able to play the game over the upcoming holidays.
When we started on the project one thing became quickly apparent: this is a very unique video game. We’ve played and enjoyed puzzle games before, but nothing that gives you so much (dare we say, infinite) variety in how to solve a puzzle.
The quirky, humorous, sci-fi story that ties all the puzzles together is a blast. And we love the chilled-out electronic soundtrack composed by Matthew S Burns.
Working on Infinifactory was so much fun we’d have to remind ourselves that our job was making sure the game ran on PS4 and not finding new or creative ways to solve a certain puzzle.
The folks at Zachtronics were all around cool people to work with and we’d like to thank them for their vision of the game. And we’d like to thank Sony for supporting such a great indie-developed product on PS4.
We can’t wait to see all the cool videos players share with each other. We’re expecting a lot of unique and interesting approaches to building factories. Have fun!
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