Hey folks! I’m back to talk about one last, very exciting TowerFall announcement: on December 15th we’re launching the long-awaited PS Vita and PS TV versions of TowerFall Ascension and the Dark World Expansion!
We’re releasing these ports as cross buy titles, so if you own TowerFall or its DLC on PS4, you will automatically own it on PS Vita! If you’re new to the game, TowerFall Ascension will run you $14.99, and the Dark World DLC costs $9.99.
We’re also planning to patch in cross save support shortly, which will let your save file transfer between the PS Vita and PS4 versions.
PS Vita has undoubtedly become my favorite way to play TowerFall single player. But TowerFall is a local multiplayer game at its heart — designed for you to squeeze onto a couch with your friends to compete on the same screen. On PS Vita, you’ll use ad hoc wireless to fight your friends on other PS Vita systems in the same room. Playing on a handheld feels like a fresh experience, but the familiar joy of local multiplayer remains the same. When your friend impales you to the wall with an arrow and begins bragging loudly, it still stings just as bad. Don’t worry, you’ll get your revenge next round.
Players on PS4 have always shown amazing enthusiasm for TowerFall, and I’m super excited to finally expand our community to PS Vita. TowerFall has been the focus of the last three years of my life, and it has been a wonderful three years. Thank you so much for all your support! As I begin production on my next game, one thing I know for sure is that I can’t wait to share it with all of you.
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