We’ve concluded the keynote of our second annual PlayStation Experience! Thousands of attendees have traveled from across the globe to join us in San Francisco – with even more watching online. Before I get into the amazing games, I want to extend a huge thank you to PlayStation fans everywhere. Without your passion and support, we would not be able to put on an event like PlayStation Experience, and we are grateful for each and every one of you. It has never been a better time to be a gamer and, as we demonstrated today, PlayStation is truly the best place to play.
Speaking of playing, let’s get to some games! We kicked off this week with the beta for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, so it was only fitting that we started the keynote with PlayStation’s favorite wise-cracking treasure hunter Nathan Drake.
Gearbox Software is making PlayStation 4 the first place players can play Battleborn, with early access to their beta. And players who play the beta on PS4 will get a special hero for free!
After announcing Street Fighter V at last years’ PlayStation Experience, Capcom has joined us this year for the finale of the Capcom Pro Tour on Sunday from 10am-10pm. Capcom didn’t arrive alone. However, they brought a new contestant to introduce to the world – F.A.N.G.
One word we like to use to describe the catalog of PlayStation games is variety. Action arcade games like Dead Star from Armature Studio, the collection of new games developed by Adult Swim, and Zodiac making its debut on PS4 and PSVita just scratch the surface of the unexpected games coming to PlayStation. For instance, our new partner, Stormcloud Games are tapping into their childhoods with the development of Brut@l.
The best baseball franchise from our very own San Diego Studio is looking to hit it out of the park once again this March with MLB 16: The Show.
With the launch of PlayStation VR in 2016, PlayStation will continue to evolve how you play games. Over thirty playable demos are on the floor at PlayStation Experience this year, offering a glimpse into the future of gaming. During today’s keynote, we unveiled exciting new titles in the works for PlayStation VR including Eagle Flight from Ubisoft, The Modern Zombie Taxi Co. from Sony Santa Monica, 100ft Robot Golf from No Goblin, Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin from Double Fine, Rez Infinite, Ace Combat 7 from Namco Bandai, and Golem – the first game from Highwire Games and a PlayStation VR exclusive.
In other playable news, the owners of Destiny: The Taken King will be treated to a new event coming this Tuesday – Sparrow Racing League.
We also took a look at two new PS4 exclusives. The first, Hob, comes from Runic Games the makers of Torchlight.
And closing out the show, Epic Games gave us a deeper look at what they are calling a “MOBA-ass MOBA”, Paragon.
Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog throughout the weekend as we stream panels and interviews, release new content, and let you know about deep discounts on PlayStation Store.
More PlayStation News from PlayStation Experience 2015
PlayStation Experience 2015: Keynote Wrap-Up
Battleborn: Meet the Raging Penguin Destroyer, Toby
Street Fighter V: F.A.N.G. Revealed, Season Pass On Sale Today
Protect a Massive Capital Ship in Dead Star on PS4
Yakuza 5 Launches December 8th, Yakuza 0 Coming to the Americas
Adult Swim Games: Headlander, Death’s Gambit, More at PS Experience
Announcing Full Throttle Remastered on PS4, PS Vita
First Day of the Tentacle Remastered Trailer Debuted at PS Experience
Guns Up on PS4 Available Today, Free to Download
Epic Games Brings Paragon to PS4 in 2016
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Unveiled for PS4
Ratchet & Clank Launches for PS4 on April 12th, 2016
Sparrow Racing League Coming to Destiny: The Taken King on Dec. 8th
Rez Infinite Revealed for PlayStation VR
Hitman Beta Begins February 12th, 2016 on PS4
Hob: A Beautiful, Dangerous World from the Torchlight Team
MLB The Show 16 Launches March 29th, 2016 on PS4, PS3
Don’t Starve Together Revealed for PS4
Golem from Highwire Games is a PlayStation VR Exclusive
Final Fantasy VII Remake Details, Original Launches Today on PS4
Job Simulator Confirmed for PlayStation VR
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin Revealed for PlayStation VR
Welcome to 100ft Robot Golf, Coming to PS4 Next Year
The King of Fighters XIV on PS4: New Details
Choice Provisions Update: The Bit.Trip, Space Dave, and DriveDriveDrive
The Modern Zombie Taxi Co. Announced for PlayStation VR
Fat Princess Adventures Out Today on PS4
Invisible, Inc. and Balancing the Endless Mode
PS Now: 12-Month Subscription for $99.99, 9 New Games from WB
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