Hey there, my name is Remy Karns, and I want to tell you about Classroom Aquatic, a new game that my team and I here at Sunken Places are developing for Playstation VR. If you haven’t heard of Classroom Aquatic, then this blog post should be the perfect way to dive into our game, and long time fans can keep up with all of the exciting new things we’re adding.
In Classroom Aquatic, you’re a foreign exchange diver student spending a semester abroad in a school for dolphins. There, you’ll be given a series of tests that you’re in no way prepared for. The only way to pass is to cheat — avoid being caught by the teachers, don’t let your fellow students tattle on you, and cheat your way to the top of the class!
The good news is, we all know how to cheat: just look over at your neighbors’ tests and copy their answers. Don’t worry — dolphins are very smart — they always know the right answers. But they also know when you’re trying to cheat, and the more obvious you are, the harder they’ll try to hide their answers. And if you get them too angry, they’ll tattle to the teacher!
Teachers, of course, don’t take kindly to cheating. Each teacher has a unique way of proctoring the class. For example, Professor Porpoise, the history and dolphinities teacher, patrols the class to prevent anyone peeking at any other pupil’s papers, while Doctor Delphinidae, the Science and Mathematics teacher, surveys the class from her desk, and the Career Counsellor directs his student aids to administer each question one at a time.
As you progress through the campaign, the teachers employ more and more drastic means to catch the cheaters. They’ll start with desk dividers and rearranging the classroom. Get past those and they’ll resort to more desperate, and creative measures — Professor Porpoise will enact rigid, arcane rules from his university days. Doctor Delphinidae invents elaborate contraptions to make cheating harder, and the Career Counsellor will appeal to the other students to turn you in. You’ll even have to compete with a dolphin student who wants to out-cheat you!
Classroom Aquatic has been designed to be a true VR game: rather than a port of a single screen game or a translation of an existing genre, its mechanics, goals, and gameplay have all been tailored to be played on VR head-mounted displays. We think Playstation VR will be the ideal platform for us, as it’s a VR device specifically made for games.
That’s all for now! I’ll try to read all your comments and answer all your questions (and if I can’t answer any I’ll just have to cheat). It’s always great to get feedback, and now’s the time, while we’re still in development. Until then, remember to never ascend faster than your smallest bubble when diving: it’s polite to let bubbles go ahead of you!
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