A quick update to confirm that the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta is starting to roll out now internationally! Surprise! Yes, the Beta launched a little earlier than expected, but it was ready to go and, hey, it’s December 4 in Japan and Australia.
Before you dive in, we’ve gotten the full lowdown from Naughty Dog on everything you need to know. You may want to look over the below list of answers to common questions that Naughty Dog put together to prepare you for the Multiplayer Beta.
The Basics
What is the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta?
The Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta is an opportunity to test various aspects of Uncharted 4 Multiplayer, including the online infrastructure. The Naughty Dog team is also hoping to get your impressions and feedback, so that you can help shape the final version of Uncharted 4 Multiplayer.
When is the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta?
The Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta is available now and will run through to December 13.
Is the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta available worldwide?
How do I get access to the Beta?
By obtaining a physical or digital copy of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. You will also need PlayStation Plus membership to access the Beta.
Please note: You must have valid application save data from Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection saved in system storage in order to access the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta.
How do I download the beta?
Once the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta is available, please follow the instructions below. A voucher is not required to download the Beta.
If you purchased a digital version from the PlayStation Store, please skip to Step 2;
- Insert the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection game disc into the PlayStation 4
- Highlight the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection game icon
- Select ‘Overview’
- Select the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta Tile and press the X button to begin your download from the PlayStation Store
Please note: You must have valid application save data from Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection saved in system storage in order to access the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta.
What size is the Beta download file?
The download is approximately 7 GB, although in some regions, you may see a larger installed size on your PS4.
Do I need a PS Plus membership to access the Beta?
Will my progress from the Beta carry over to the full game when it launches?
What type of internet connection is required?
The Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta requires a broadband internet connection. We recommend at least a 1Mbps/1Mbps connection.
Will the Beta undergo maintenance at any point?
As this is a technical test, there will most likely be patches deployed, downtimes, restarts, and so forth. Please follow @Naughty_Dog for the most up-to-the-minute updates regarding Beta status. We will also be posting details on the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta forum.
How can I provide feedback and report bugs?
Please visit the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta official forum [www.naughtydog.com/U4Beta] to leave your thoughts, feedback, and bug reports.
A survey will be sent out to certain players after the Beta period has ended, so look out for an email from PlayStation to provide valuable feedback to the team.
New Beta Features
What is a mystical and how do you deploy them?
The Beta includes a loadout item called Mysticals – letting you harness some of the well-known supernatural elements from the Uncharted games to aid your team in attaining victory. There are five Mysticals in the Beta that players can redeem through the Store:
- Wrath of El Dorado – When thrown, the El Dorado sarcophagus from Uncharted 1 appears to unleash spirits that track down the enemies near where it is placed, and damage them.
- Spirit of Djinn – The Djinn magic from Uncharted 3 imbues the player with the ability to teleport short distances, but they won’t be able to take cover.
- Cintamani Stone – Activating this mystical from Uncharted 2 revives Downed allies within its area of effect to full health instantly.
- Staff of Ayar Manco – This staff, from the Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth novel, casts a magical force across an entire map revealing where the opposing team is located. It will also show up on the mini-map and can be destroyed.
- Indra’s Eternity – From the Uncharted: Eye of Indra motion comic, this Mystical slows down any enemy that enters its visible area of effect.
What are Sidekicks and how do you use them?
Sidekicks are another loadout option, which spawns an NPC ally, each with a unique skill to help you or your teammates along. Players can redeem and spawn Sidekicks from the In-Match store, accessible via the DualShock 4 touch pad. Sidekicks will earn you cash as they fulfill their role. There are four Sidekicks in the Beta, each with a specific function:
- Sniper – defends a location with a sniper rifle to take out members of the opposing team
- Savior – field medic who will revive Downed players, hand out ammo and help your team replenish their Gear faster
- Hunter – when called in, hunts down the nearest enemy and puts them into a hold for the player to KO them
- Brute – heavily armored with a lot of fire power but slow moving
What is available in the Uncharted Multiplayer Store?
You are awarded 150 Uncharted Points at your first login during the Beta. These points can be redeemed for a variety of vanity items in the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Store.
You can also earn Relics by completing Daily Challenges during the Beta, or pick them up during a match. These allow you to unlock Vanity Chests in the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Store in the Main Menu. Vanity Chests have a chance of giving you a hat, outfit or a taunt (or a taunt with a prop!).
What are Beta points?
Beta Points unlock gameplay items for your Custom Loadout. Points are awarded for reaching certain levels of cash accumulation as you play Matches. The more Beta Points earned, the more gameplay items unlocked.
What is the In-Match Store?
The In-Match Store is accessed via the DualShock 4 touch pad during a match. As you play, you’ll earn in-game cash to deploy your loadout items such as Mysticals, Sidekicks, Heavy Weapons, or upgrade your Gear during a match. Choose wisely as the cost of each item will go up the more you use it during that individual match!
What are Challenges?
Each day during the Beta, Naughty Dog will issue gameplay goals, called Challenges, that players can complete to earn Relics to use in the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Store. Players can redeem Relics for a Vanity Chest. A single Challenge will replenish once per day at 3:00 PM local time for the player. No Challenge will be replenished unless one has been completed.
How do you make a customized loadout?
Players will be given a total of 25 Loadout Points to begin customizing their loadouts. Each item in Custom Loadout is worth a certain number of Loadout Points (LP) and players will be able equip a wide variety of gameplay items in their Custom Loadouts that can then be used during a Match.
Can I play as a character other than Nathan Drake?
Yes, you can play as a number of your favorite heroes and villains from previous Uncharted games, including Nathan, Sully, Elena, Sam, Katherine Marlow, Lazarevic and more. Each character brings his or her own unique personality and dialogue to the Multiplayer experience.
What game modes will be supported in the Beta?
The Beta will feature Team Deathmatch.
What maps are included in the Beta?
Two maps, including Island, a map influenced by the jungle setting from the PlayStation Experince 2014 demo; and Madagascar City, a map influenced from the settings seen in the E3 2015 demo.
Anything Else?
Members of the Naughty Dog development team will be streaming Uncharted 4 Multiplayer gameplay on our Twitch channel on December 8 and December 11. Keep an eye on @Naughty_Dog on Twitter for more details.
Looking for more? Check out the Naughty Dog stream from December 1 as Robert Cogburn, Erin Daly, and Arne Meyer provide an in-depth preview of the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta.
See you online during the Beta!
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