Heya, PlayStation folks. My name is Adam from Austin-based independent studio Panic Button.
In celebration of International Dinosaur Month (it’s really a thing), we’re bringing Circle 5 Studio’s dino-versus-people, first-person frag fest Primal Carnage: Extinction to PS4 on October 20th!

In a nutshell, Primal Carnage: Extinction is a class-based biter/shooter in which you play as your favorite dinosaur or mercenary to bite/claw/douse-with-poisonous-spit members of the opposing team in a variety of gameplay types.
The game is no-frills, jump-in-and-have-fun PS4 multiplayer mayhem with up to 16 players in player-hosted online and offline (single-screen LAN) modes. It makes great use of DualShock 4 and even has a custom control scheme for PS Vita Remote Play.
- Team Deathmatch — (un)Traditional dino-versus-human team-based multiplayer in unique battle arenas.
- Get to the Chopper — Control key parts of the map in this objective-based game mode, ultimately unlocking the escape helicopter and the Tyrant dinosaur that will try to stop it.
- Survival — Play solo or co-op through wave after wave of AI dinos.
- Free Roam — For those who want to strut their dino-might without the pressure of timers or kill counts.
Playing as dinosaurs, spit, pounce, chomp, and tail-swing your way to the top of the food chain. Not exactly your typical FPS.
- Dilophosaurus — Ambush and blind your enemies from a distance or put your poisonous fangs to use, which will blind and slow the bipedal meat sacks.
- Novaraptor — Fast and scary is your namesake. Mercilessly slash your enemies or pounce and maul them into the ground. Watch out for the counterattack, though!
- Pteranodon — Reconnoiter from the sky and hone your swoop-down-and-carry-off skills or practice juggling your prey with a Pteranodon friend.
- Carnotaurus — You’re a two-legged cross between a bull and a T-Rex that charges your victims to death and can also heal by taking a bite out of them.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex — As the King of Lizards, be a high-health fearsome tank of an adversary.
As far as the human team, use weapons unique among first-person shooters to tranq, net, snipe, shoot, flame, or rocket your way to homo sapien superiority.
- The Scientist — Snipe from afar, or slow down opponents with your unique-to-class tranquilizers, but don’t let the beasts get in your personal space (You can say goodbye if they do).
- The Commando— On the other end of the spectrum, humble those legendary beasts with your assault rifle or rocket launcher. Remember you may be strong, but you’re not quick. Good thing you can take a beating.
- The Pathfinder — Get up close and personal with your powerful short-ranged shotgun and leverage your agility to reload without getting eaten.
- The Trapper — Net smaller dinos and lock the jaws of the larger ones to make them more susceptible to damage — a great tactic to slow them down for your team mates.
- The Pyro — Because fire.
Whether you’re comfy in your human skin or dinoLARPing is more your thing (we don’t judge), we hope you enjoy this modified take on the class-based first-person shooter genre.
Happy International (First-Person-Shooter) Dinosaur Month!
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