Hello everyone, this is TJ Wagner, Project Lead at Wargaming.net, responsible for bringing World of Tanks to consoles. We’re all very excited to be bringing this massively multiplayer, action packed, 30-player tank battle sensation to PlayStation 4. World of Tanks is a Free-to-Play and Free-to Win mega hit that’s easy to pick up and a challenge to master. There are over 350 tanks across 7 nations to choose from and collect. There are 5 different classes of tanks to fit the style of play you like best and always hot heavy metal action to be found.
We’re tuning the experience specifically for PlayStation 4, supporting DualShock 4 controllers, Share Play, PS Vita Remote Play, Live Streaming and more. Best of all World of Tanks is Free-to-Play for all PlayStation Account holders from the get go!
World of Tanks for PlayStation 4 will feature first time ever seen content at launch. You’ll get custom maps, custom tanks, custom skins and more. PS Plus members will have access to even more exclusive content and deals. We are also happy to announce that there will be exclusive Girls und Panzer content and themes at launch.
I’d like to personally invite you to join the World of Tanks community. We value our players and work to bring a constant flow of new content and features every month for you to explore and play with. I can’t wait to see what the PlayStation community brings with their gameplay and ideas. I’d also like to invite you to be part of the Beta in the coming months, helping us to tune and put the finishing touches on initial launch of the game. That will happen before the end of this year and you’ll receive special Beta awards for participating.
Again, I can’t tell you how excited we are to be bringing World of Tanks to a whole new audience. You can sign up for more information on the game and the upcoming Beta and Release of World of Tanks for PlayStation 4 at: ps4.worldoftanks.com.
See you on the battlefield!
This just made my day! I sunk so much money into this game before moving from 360 to PS4. If only there was a single wargaming account I could merge and get all that stuff. Ah well!
Does anyone know if the girls und panzer is coming out in NA version?
plan a transfer system between xbox360 to PlayStation 4 like xbox360 to xbox one!! please.
Because I spent too much money on WoT xbox 360 and if I loose everything with my premium cars and everything and start at the beggining I will depress D: and I will continue spent money on Ps4 maybe but if I loose everything I’m not sure D;
Do like you have to do an account that you save your profile of xbox360 what you have your tanks and everything and when you put that account on Ps4 you have everything on your account and transfer all. I got that idea from GtaV because I was on xbox360 and I buy Ps4 and on GtaV I put my rockstar account from xbox and I recovered all my things and my level please :(
And great news for me, WoT was my main challenge to leave on xbox to change on Ps4. I’m very happy :’)
Hi Guys
Any1 knows the official release date as yet ?
Will cross platform play against/with my old xbox friends be supported? I understand PC is something on its own, but it would be nice for all consoles to share servers!
It’s a shame that apparently we will start from 0 in Ps4. But I understand, everything takes their time, anyway I will continue supporting this awesome game and maybe this serves for start from 0 and go for the tanks that on xbox we want because we start with no knowledge from the tanks and just we go for the first tank we see, like me, I go for the T110E3 tank on xbox at first and finally I like that tank but I prefer go for the awesome tank T1 Heavy, my first tank X was JagdpantherE100 but at first I was going for the T110E3 and then, If everyone we start from 0, I can go for the best tanks based on my experience and the best tanks that I want first are T1 Heavy and E100 ;)
any1 knows the official release date for the beta version ??
I can’t wait for WOT to come to PS4…I have played it for a few years on my PC and love the game!
OMG, I can’t believe it’s happening!!!
OMG, I can’t believe it’s happening…
will the Japanese heavy line be introduced as well or at a later time?
As for now, is there any news about account progress transfer from xbox to ps4? Is there any little chances? Please?(
The decision to not allow linked accounts across WG.net games is the reason I will never put another cent into anything WG makes. I have plenty of money to spend on games, but never ever again on wargaming.
I’m not sure if I would play this on xbox 360 or ps4 if I can’t transfer my account on ps4 because seriously I spent thousands of dollars on this game on xbox 360 I have more than 50 of space on the garage with more than 30 tanks that the half of it are premium and with rare tanks too I’m not sure :/ it’s too disappointment. :/
Hey, I’m a big fan of World of tanks and the other games Wargaming make. I’m glad it is coming to the PS4. My question is, I’m I suppose to get an email confirmation after I sign up on the sign up page? I signed up two times the week the web page launched and got no email confirmation.
I am a lover of World of Tanks and I am super excited that its coming to PS4. Personally I used to play on PC and I absolutely fell in love with the game. I put a lot of time and money in to it and i was wondering
——Will there be a way to get your stuff on your Playstation account from PC?—–
Considering the fact that its throught wargaming i thought there might be a chance!! I know this is a stretch and probably wouldnt be possible but it would be great to find out.
how long does the confirmation email take
Will this be able to support pc to ps4 migration, I have 3 tier tens and it would be a shame to start again, anyhow, I’m still gonna play it because I don’t want to miss this opportunity.
World of tanks ps4 looks great never played Online tank warfare before .I just registerd with World of tanks when will ps4 World of tanks come out
Thank yous so much TJ Wagner for finally deciding to release WoT on PS4. I have played on pc and on XBOX 360/ONE but the PS4 is my home console so I was ecstatic when I found out you are going to release it for PS4. Are you able to show us some more trailers? Or at least some of the Girls Und Panzer stuff? I watched the anime back in July and thought that the anime was a perfect match for WoT.
I tried signing up for the beta but I don’t get a confirmation email. Do we need to use the one we plan to play with?
I think it would be stupid to allow linked accounts how do you think people are gonna feel when everyone is ahead of them just cause they played on xbox (especially friends playing against eachother, like me and my friends do) im just wondering when they will fix there coding so i can download the damn game.