Back in December at PlayStation Experience, our friend Gio Corsi let everyone know that, with the help of Sickhead Games, we would be bringing Octodad: Dadliest Catch to PS Vita.
Today Young Horses is happy to announce that on May 26th for $14.99 you’ll be able to take Octodad on the go!
With the launch of Octodad: Dadliest Catch on PS Vita, we’re also introducing a couple of new features we think both current and new players will enjoy. First of all, Octodad will be available as a cross-buy title, which means that if you’ve already purchased the game on PS4, you’ll automatically have access to play it on your PS Vita.
Although we won’t have cross-save support, we have added a new set of Trophies to the PS Vita version of the game to give you even more opportunities to achieve the impossible with your normal human hands.
Another cool feature is the ability to play co-op locally using one device. With Sickhead Games’ help, we managed to stuff in enough control for two players (one on each side) to wobble your favorite dad through everyday life while rubbing shoulders with a real life friend.
We’re excited to share this cool new way of playing Octodad and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
<3, Young Horses
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