Greetings, friends! I’m Mina from Aksys Games. We are super excited to announce our next new otome/visual novel game, Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ by Idea Factory/Design Factory! Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ will be exclusive to PS Vita, and it is coming out in fall 2015!
Restricted to an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of London in fulfillment of a promise to her father, lonely Cardia lives day to day isolated from the world. Her body carries a deadly poison that rots or melts anything her skin touches, prompting the locals to call her a “monster.”
Her last conversation with her father two years ago, telling her to stay out of sight and never fall in love, is the furthest back she can remember. One day, her quiet solitude is interrupted as the Royal Guards break in to capture her. It is then that Cardia meets Arsène Lupin, a chivalrous thief, who helps her escape the soldiers’ clutches. She soon finds herself on a journey with Lupin to locate her father, who holds the answers to her mysterious condition. The two are soon joined by four more interesting and handsome gentlemen…
For all you otome/visual novel fans out there, Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ will not disappoint! ~Guardian of Rebirth~ delivers it all and I’ll explain why.
Experience your own romantic fairytale. You’ll be playing as a beautiful young woman whose poisonous touch means imminent death, and unraveling the secrets of her past with the help of five charming guys. Which of these dashing men will capture your heart?
Meet attractive… literary and historical figures? Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ introduces well-known European literary figures such as Arsène Lupin, Abraham Van Helsing, Victor Frankenstein, Impey Barbicane, and Count Saint-Germain. They all have different personalities, unique charismatic features, and their own mysterious backstory (For you to uncover!).
Steampunk themes everywhere! Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ is filled with 19th century industrial steam-powered machineries, Gothic-Victorian costume designs, and many gear and clock motifs! So if you are a fan of steampunk, this will be right up your alley!
For more details, be sure to visit the Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ official website! Thanks for tuning in!
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