What do Shaun White, Snoop Dogg, Steph Curry, Yasiel Puig, Shuhei Yoshida, and I have in common? Up until yesterday, absolutely nothing… but as of today, out of some bout of dumb luck, Shuhei Yoshida and I are this month’s PlayStation HEROES, complete with our very own superpowers! Check it out:
Anybody who purchases the limited edition Koi Pond dynamic theme and registers online will be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to E3, where you’ll play with or against us (We haven’t decided yet!) in a game of our choice. Even if you’re not interested in going to E3 and playing video games (Why are you reading this blog again?), you should get these themes because 90% of the proceeds benefit the charities Make-A-Wish, The V-Foundation, and USO.
Themes can be purchased through PlayStation Store here, and you can register for the sweepstakes here. Don’t forget to do both if you want a chance to win!
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A purchase will not increase your chance of winning and is not tax deductible. Game begins April 21 2015 1:00PM PST, ends May 19 2015 1:00PM PST. Must be legal resident of the US and 18+. Cannot re-purchase the same theme. Purchasers of Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum themes cannot also purchase Heroic Bundle. Limit 31 entries. Void where prohibited. Official Rules: See PARTICIPATE tab in PlayStation Heroes App or playstation.com/heroes-rules.
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