Hello and greetings from Wales Interactive, the studio behind the haunting indie thrillers, Master Reboot and Soul Axiom. I’m Ben Tester, marketing guy and environment artist, here to announce that our sci-fi action running game, Infinity Runner, is heading to PS4 faster than a silver bullet!
We’re proud to be launching not just our first, but Wales’ very first PS4 title, and thrilled to be bringing you the best version of the game yet. With new stylized visuals and 56 Trophies to collect, expect Infinity Runner to hit PlayStation Store on April 22nd for the same price as a London pint ($6.99)!
In Infinity Runner, you’ll find yourself desperately trying to escape a decaying starship and the clutches of terror within. Deep inside this leviathan something terrible hunts… out of myth and legend the last werewolf stalks the ship. Unluckily for you, not only will you have to deal with the prospect of being hunted down and torn apart, but also you’ll bump into some of the last inhabitants of the ship, which will require the skills of those reasonably priced mixed martial arts lessons you picked up last summer. Did I forget to mention you’ll be doing all this butt naked?
The player will control the protagonist, the prisoner, from a first-person perspective as he is challenged to escape from the gargantuan spaceship. The corridors will seem never ending and yet your surroundings are constantly changing as you progress through the various areas of the ship. Your only chance of escape is putting your trust in the mysterious voice that guides you — the same voice that woke you from your chamber.
As you progress through the game, your guide will feed you bits of information, which will leave you questioning why you are on this godforsaken ship and is it even possible to survive and escape The Infinity.
Your quick reflexes will be tested, with a stream of evasive obstacles and other surprises thrown your way. You’ll face off with inhabitants of the ship, the guards that foolishly attempt to stop your escape. They’ll trigger combat sections, which uses a dynamic targeting system that builds a difficulty curve throughout the game and forces you to react fast!
Increase your high score by grabbing data packets and searching out that one pick-up which changes all the rules. With this, you become the hunter and the guards become the hunted… Unleash the beast inside you!
Tired of mashing buttons? No problem, we’ve taken advantage of DualShock 4 motion with this one so you can jump, slide, and dodge your way around the ship with just the flick or tilt of your controller — and all whilst you’re playing in 1080p at a targeted 60 frames per second.
Infinity Runner is a fun, fast, casual game that will keep you on the edge of your seat and offers a fresh, sci-fi twist on the classic running genre! If you have any questions then leave your comments below. Cheers!
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