Want to play one of the most well-known, bestselling games in the history of gaming? Q*Bert is back — for your PS4, PS3 and Vita.
The complete, original version of Q*Bert is only half of the equation. Gonzo Games, Sideline Amusements, Games Production Company, and we here at LOOT Entertainment are also bringing to PlayStation a completely reimagined Q*Bert game: Q*Bert Rebooted. To keep it short and sweet: you get two great Q*Bert games (on all three PlayStation platforms) for the price of one.
So: how do you take such a classically perfect game design and successfully modernize it?
Instead of cubes, Q*Bert Rebooted features hexagons. That may not sound like a game-changer, but it is; suddenly, you get some really interesting level designs, especially later in the game. In addition, there are new features, such as time and score challenges, new enemies with their own unique behaviors, new playable characters, power-ups, traps, and gem-collecting. Q*Bert Rebooted is the equivalent of your old backyard treehouse refurbished by Bob Vila: same nostalgic joy, but magically just better.
Everything that was awesome is still awesome.
Q*Bert endures because, like all of the best designs from that era, it’s straightforward, memorable, and timelessly challenging. Whether you played it yesterday or thirty years ago, Q*Bert classic is just as engaging as it was when it came out. This is the genuine classic arcade version of Q*Bert! Q*Bert Rebooted will have you on your toes as you try to figure out the complex maps while the screen throws all sorts of enemies at you.
Q*Bert is HARD. Not artificially, stupidly, punish-you-just-to-add-replay-time hard — just challenging enough for the casual user to enjoy and engaging enough for the serious gamer who wants bragging rights.
Remember when you had to really hone your skills because every go ‘round cost a quarter? Sometimes the most “casual” games are the ones which, frankly, are for the truly hardcore.
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