Yes! The Order: 1886 is done! From a grand idea flickering in Ru’s disturbingly creative noggin it was imagined, developed and thus realized with love and care by a small team of immature, somewhat unstable, naively optimistic artists and engineers here at Ready At Dawn Studios.

The early days of development on The Order: 1886 were some of the most exciting of our professional careers. PS4 was still an evolving set of specifications, but it was obvious from the beginning that Sony was going to push the limit of what one could expect from a home console. We knew that the generational leap in terms of visual, audio and simulation fidelity would be remarkable.
We needed an equally ambitious set of goals for the technology we were developing for our game. We set on creating everything from scratch, with the goal of realizing the unrestrained vision of our artists by innovating in the areas of image fidelity, shading, illumination, volumetric effects and simulation techniques. It was a huge challenge, but at the end we succeeded in more areas than we failed, so it was all worth it. We have created a meaningful foundation, a technological canvas for our artists and designers to grow unbound – who knows what they will come up with in the future.
As a “well-seasoned” developer (sigh…) I am in awe that a game running on a home console can offer the player an audiovisual experience like The Order: 1886 does. The technological barriers are crumbling, the scope of our imagination is soon to be the main limiting factor to realizing one’s vision. It is a great time to be making games!
If you’d like to know more about the technology behind The Order, please enjoy our latest “Behind The Scenes” video at the top of this post – come February 20th you will forget all about textile shading and volumetric air resistance and just immerse yourself in the world of The Order: 1886. We hope you’ll love it.
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