Get ready for a dream duel of epic proportions! Here at Sega, we are beyond thrilled to announce that Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is coming to the West exclusively for PS3 and Vita. Thanks to all our fans for supporting efforts to bring Japanese content like Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax over from Japan. We’re excited to reveal more about the game as we get closer to launch!
Developed by Ecole and French Bread in cooperation with ASCII Media Works, this 2D fighting game celebrates the 20th anniversary of Dengeki Bunko with an all-star cast of their popular characters set against Sega-themed worlds. With playable characters such as Asuna from Sword Art Online or Kuroyukihime from Accel World, and support characters like Touma Kamijou from A Certain Magical Index or Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax makes the most unlikely of character matchups a reality.
Fighting Climax features a fighting system that is both easily understood and complex, thus catering to veterans and newcomers alike. Using weak, medium and strong attacks, each of the playable characters have move sets that are similar in execution, yet differ in attack range, power and speed.
Assist characters each have two moves that can either help you chain your combos or add a defensive strike, giving players a large range of flexibility in custom combo creation and play style. Speaking of characters, Akira Yuki from Virtua Fighter and Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles join the battle as unlockable characters in Versus and Online multiplayer modes, along with their support character counterparts Pai Chan and Alicia Melchiott.
In addition to an original story campaign in Arcade mode where characters are summoned to overthrow the evil Zetsumu, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax features over 60 new vignettes in its Dream Duel mode. Exclusive to the console launch, these original cutscenes are penned under the supervision of Dengeki Bunko’s writers and add further depth to the interactions of this fantasy crossover of characters.
But the fan service doesn’t stop there! All of the stages have been designed after some of Sega’s most iconic series, so prepare to go faster in the nostalgic stage themed after Sonic the Hedgehog or declare war against your opponent amongst the Gallian and Imperial tanks of Valkyria Chronicles.
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax will be available exclusive to PS3 and PS Vita in Summer 2015, both digitally and at retail.
Ok, cool, but now I HAVE to ask
Sega, is there any posibility at all that you’ll someday localize Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity?? I played the other two games and Universe on the XBox and I’m still just dying to find out what comes next
Thanks, will buy! Please localize Shining Resonance!!!
YAY! I’ll get it for Vita since I no longer have a PS3
This is like a dream come true! Kirito, Asuna, Kirino, and a Vita retail release? This is a must buy for me! <3
Wow, surprised about this one. I imported it and I definitely don’t mind buying it again.
Here’s hoping PSNova comes out too. Vita needs these.
So will there be a patch with English menu for people who already have the Japanese version? D=
So for those who own the JP version, will this release bring about a English patch for it as well? I would gladly buy it for my Vita as well but just wanting to know :D
Are we able to play on split screen or be able to play on same console with friends? And game look amazing.
You’re doing an awesome thing, Sega. I never thought I’d be able to play a game with Ro-Kyu-Bu! characters in English. Keep the otaku titles coming. Also, limited edition where?
I already playing it. Am I in the future???
This is great news! I was just looking at importing a copy, guess I wont have to now! Thanks a bunch Sega!
Blah just ordered it and had it shipped less than a week ago too :(
This is awesome! A game released in the United States where I get to play as my favorite anime character, Shana from Shakugan no Shana! This’ll be freaking awesome! Can’t wait to play this when it comes out! Now I have about 4 games to look forward to this spring/summer! The 2015 Sonic game, Mighty No. 9, Tales of Zestiria and now Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax! Can’t wait for this!
Also, I checked the wikipedia page for this game and I noticed that the character roster is greatly outnumber but the amount of actual playable characters. Will there be characters to unlock or at least characters to get via DLC? Just a minor critique, but the roster seems really limited for a fighting game. Might just be because I’ve been spoiled by other fighting games like Super Smash Bros or the Dragon Ball Z games. But will there be more characters at some point or are they only characters that are available?
But nonetheless, this game will be freaking awesome anyway! Can’t wait for this game to come out! :D
Please SEGA, please include the English voices, maybe as dual audio option, with that option, more wider audience will buy this for sure. Please don’t ignore the potential it offers.
Woah! Sega blowin’ me away! I wasn’t expecting this being localized so fast or ever! Saw this on Kotaku, can’t wait to get it!
Word!! Another JP fighting game!!
I bought the ps3 version like 2 months ago with my japanese psn account. Ill be double dipping now and getting the vita version too!
I want to cry ;_; this has been one of those games I’ve labeled “I would die to play this game but at this point I know I’ll die without having played it”. Thank you so much for bringing this over, aside from the Project Diva games it has been a long time since I’ve been so overjoyed to be a SEGA fan ;_;.
I have the import on my vita already I might pick it up for the ps3. Its a fun game I recommend it.
@113 those are support characters you can pick for a move used by them during a fight.
I’ve been akin for this. Better hope JP version gets a patch while other version already has that, to be able play as Sega guests in AC like in AC 1.30 does (dunno if they may have their own Dream Duel as well). I did saw Selvy’s gameplay in AC 1.30 on youtube & i’m not sure if Sega guests has their own arcade story or non, just like Labrys (both forms) and Elizabeth in original Persona Arena:
Thank you SO MUCH for a physical release. I bought my Vita for games like these and RPGs that are slowly being localized over here. Thank you based Sega/Sony. Where are we gonna be able to purchased this physically? Summer is in a few months…
Also are we ever getting those Digimon games over in the US?
I really hope this gets a ps4 port. I can’t afford to buy a ps3.
Wait that dude from art online is a playable character and touma is just a support??? welll that sux…Touma>>>>>>>>kirito.
I Still want this game…
Day one buy for me.
Will it also have avatars? PLEASE MAKE AVATARS FOR THIS GAME!
Also, there is more info (and a set of game trailers) over at the Japanese DB:FC website:
“Day one buy for me.
Will it also have avatars? PLEASE MAKE AVATARS FOR THIS GAME!”
Agreed, i need a to aru majutsu no index one
Cross play ?
Wow I’m so hyped for this, I almost imported it.
Will all the original characters be in the game still??
Also if Sega would also bring Phantasy Star Nova and Shining Resonance now that would be super amazing.. at least look into it!
*sigh* I would love to get this, but odds are they are gonna go the cheap route and not have an english voice track.
On the other hand, loved the two Miku Hatsune Project Diva games. (Coincidentally, pretty much the only type of game that really can’t be dubbed :p )
Another great fighting game for the Vita. :)
Hope Sega considers bringing more of their Japanese games out West… especially for PS Vita
Valkyria Chronicles
Phantasy Star Online 2
Phantay Star NOVA
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Version B
Blade Arcus of Shining
Puyo Puyo X Tetris – wait is that one Sega?
And more… Again, especially for PS Vita, matter of fact all of it for Vita… mwahahaha >;D
Just saw this and want to say, OH Freaking YES!
This is one game I never thought would come to us. Favorite characters fighting each other from different anime.
Fighting games like this are best played on psvita.
One question if you guys ever see this: Does the retail version has pre-order bonus? Just like the Senran Kagura?
Thank you for doing this!
Hi, glad you are bring this game to the west. Really hope you would consider releasing Valkyria Chronicles 3 for the west as well. I know that will be a day one purchase for me and other Valkyria Chronicles fans.
It’s about time that sega is gonna release this game in the US….
I already imported a copy of Fighting Climax for my Vita, because I never thought it’d get localized. I don’t have it for PS3, so I’ll show my support by getting it in English for that. Just wanna shot my support after all~
I hope it’s not asking too much, but can a PS4 release pleeeeeease be considered? I’m really tired of having to buy something on PS3 when I have a PS4. :c And when most of your friends have a PS4 but only one has a PS3, well that sucks when a game like this comes out. Also, is there any chance at all for Sonic to be a guest fighter in the NA version? Any at all? D:
@133; yeah, Puyo Puyo Tetris is Sega. And it is one I’m hoping to see; getting this (as well as Miku) has given me hope that we might see it. Especially considering Sega can easily use the Tetris half for exposure…
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, J-Stars Victory Vs+, Final Fantasy Type-0 and now Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax! I’m so excited definitely pre-ordering!
Sega, I’m excited for this! Lets hope more JP games cross the border to us over here! I can’t wait!
Hello SEGA, I have two questions. Number 1: Will the game be fully dubbed? Or just subbed? Either is fine, just curious.
Number 2: Are there any plans to release Dengeki Gakuen RPG: Cross of Venus in the U.S? I feel with some modifications, it could be a good ps vita port. It’s damn near impossible to beat without understanding the language. At least suggest it to the higher-ups.Please? I understand if it’s highly unlikely due to the game having been released five to seven years ago…on a different console…and no word about it for years, but please? I had a resurgence of hope due to multiple games I would have never expected being released outside of Japan suddenly being localized in the U.S.
Look at me. I’m getting carried away. Thank you a million times SEGA for localizing Fighting Climax. If there are going to be special/collectors editions of the game, please let me know.Thanks again.
I am so happy we getting this game. Two questions: when can I download demo since i know we not getting the this game until summer. Two, what is the name of the song for the trailer?
I already bought the PS3 version but I might get this on Vita since unlike BBCP, loading times are faster. Is the digital copy going to let each other play on adhoc? Or is it going to be like BBCP that needs to have the 2 vitas on separate psn accounts just to play? I need to know since I have 2 vitas that uses the same account.
This might be a dumb question but I figured I should ask anyways. Will the game support cross region gameplay? I have the japanese version but my friends don’t know japanese so they will buy the english version. One of my friends imported because he knows a little japanese and I explain the rest to him, but my other friends definitely want it in english. I also use a jp region psn account for access to dlc. Will I be able to play against them with ad hoc and online, or will I have to buy the english version? I know that the ps3 and vita are region free, but I wasn’t sure if this applied to actual online interactions or if it was just for the base software. The only time I tried something like this was when I played gundam musou with a friend. We both imported the game so we could play together, but I couldn’t use the dlc mobile suits because he was playing on an american psn account and I was on my japanese one. I study japanese to circumvent waiting and begging for localizations that often don’t happen, but if I can’t play online when it does get localized that kind of sucks.
Hey, sega. i’m very happy you releasing more japan games for us, yakuza 5 and Valkyria chronicles to PC made me very happy.
about this dengeki-bunko…i don’t know much about this game, will you release a demo for people like me ?
I already imported this last year, but i was wondering if the localized and the imported one share the same server. Pretty much i’m wondering if i’ll be able to play people with the localized version online with my imported version.
Thanks for the hardwork SEGA
YESSSS!!! I’ve been tempted to import this since I’ve heard of it’s Japanese release but VERY EXCITED that it’s being localized for the West! Another game for the Vita! Woot woot! I hope they keep localizing games for us.
Can’t wait for this to be released!!! I see a lot of recognizable characters, looks cool :)
Hello, has SEGA said anything about this game working on the VITA TV (the US version)
I just bought a VITA TV bundle for a friend and he really wants to play Fighting Climax, so if it does work, then I’ll give him the bundle if not , then I’ll have to sell it so I can get him a real vita.